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Mapping the Solomani Autonomous Region


Peer of the Realm
In Classic Traveller, the description of the autonomous region granted by Margaret I in 704 differs slightly between Supplement 11 and Alien Module 6. Supplement 11 describes "a region of space within a radius of 50 parsecs of Terra," while the Alien Module presents "a sphere of space 100 parsecs in diameter that was centered on Terra."

It's a little challenging to neatly map this out because of the distortions associated with hexes.

  • If you treat Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) as point 0 and count out 50 hexes in every direction, you get a hex-shaped body 101 hexes across with corners at Diaspora 1817, Spica 0402, Langere 0412, Aldebaran 1837, Ustral Quadrant 3212, and Dark Nebula 3202.
  • If you treat Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) as point 1 and count out 49 hexes in every direction, you get a hex-shaped body 99 hexes across with corners at Diaspora 1818, Spica 0303, Langere 0313, Aldebaran 1836, Canopus 0113, and Magyar 0103.
The distinction is actually pretty important in that you are either encroaching into Dark Nebula and Ustral sectors or you aren't. And that probably was a very big deal to the Aslan of 704.

Anyone else ever look at this before?
  • If you treat Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) as point 0 and count out 50 hexes in every direction, you get a hex-shaped body 101 hexes across with corners at Diaspora 1817, Spica 0402, Langere 0412, Aldebaran 1837, Ustral Quadrant 3212, and Dark Nebula 3202.
  • If you treat Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) as point 1 and count out 49 hexes in every direction, you get a hex-shaped body 99 hexes across with corners at Diaspora 1818, Spica 0303, Langere 0313, Aldebaran 1836, Canopus 0113, and Magyar 0103.
The distinction is actually pretty important in that you are either encroaching into Dark Nebula and Ustral sectors or you aren't. And that probably was a very big deal to the Aslan of 704.
Take one of the maps that show the border of the Solomani Autonomous Region and superimpose it on a hex map of the correct scale.

I don't think there is a map that shows the Autonomous Region. The Confederation, yes. But they aren't quite the same thing.
I think it the border with the aslan would run along wherever the treaty line was when the Border Wars ended.

I'd choose to interpret the charter as giving control of all Imperial systems within 50 parsecs of terra, without implying or extending claim onto non-imperial members, just as the imperium sector or Domain borders do not imply the control or claim to worlds outside the imperial borders.

if those worlds did join the imperium, then they would fall into the Autonomous Region, and diplomatic relations with those worlds would be handled by members of the Autonomous Region government, but the actual borders would follow whatever was in place pre-charter.
I don't think there is a map that shows the Autonomous Region. The Confederation, yes. But they aren't quite the same thing.

You're right. For one thing, as Xerses says, the border with the neutral zone with the Aslan Hierate that presumably extended down through Margyar Sector at the time would curtail the "sphere" in that direction.

OK, draw a circle and superimpose that on the hex map, then figure out where the neutral zone ran at the time.

In Classic Traveller, the description of the autonomous region granted by Margaret I in 704 differs slightly between Supplement 11 and Alien Module 6. Supplement 11 describes "a region of space within a radius of 50 parsecs of Terra," while the Alien Module presents "a sphere of space 100 parsecs in diameter that was centered on Terra."

It's a little challenging to neatly map this out because of the distortions associated with hexes.

Relax, that was a pronouncement by a ruler. The fine details would've been worked out by the diplomats and cartographers. Realpolitik should trump rhetoric, and given the Empress had no right to grant Aslan space to an autonomous zone it clearly couldn't be done and the statement should be considered in that light.
In Classic Traveller, the description of the autonomous region granted by Margaret I in 704 differs slightly between Supplement 11 and Alien Module 6. Supplement 11 describes "a region of space within a radius of 50 parsecs of Terra," while the Alien Module presents "a sphere of space 100 parsecs in diameter that was centered on Terra."
Anyone else ever look at this before?

Looking at your post right now, I'd like to point out that there's no difference.

Why not? Because a radius is half of a diameter. Two radii of 50 parsecs make one diameter of 100 parsecs. :CoW:
Maybe an illustration will help. Imagine an autonomous region that is described both as "including all systems within a 2 parsec radius of a central system," and "4 parsecs in diameter, centered on one system."

This is easy to do in real space, but tricky with hexes.


Where do you draw the border of this region -- along the inner edges of the black hexes, or the outer? Let's say it's two parsecs from the center of the inner black system to the center of any of the outer black systems.

If you go with the outer edge of the black you end up delimiting all systems at least 2 parsecs out, but the total diameter is 5 parsecs across.

If you go with the inner edge, you fulfill the stipulation "within [emphasis added] a 2 parsec radius" but you have a diameter of only 3 parsecs.
just found this statement on a talk page on the Wiki:

The charter granted control of the region of space within a radius of 50 parsecs of Terra (hence the name, the [[Solomani Sphere]]) to a Solomani governing body; although trade and even taxes were to continue with the Imperium, the Solomani were given broad powers of authority. Interestingly, the charter ignored the fact that a number of worlds of the Alsan Hierate lay within the defined boundary of the Solomani Autonomous region. While the Solomani government tended to maintain that the charter granted control over lmperial space only, a small Solomani faction has blocked all attempts for the government to abandon officially its claim to these worlds. This has been a continuing source of tension between local Aslan clans and the Solomani.

the page doesn't quote the RL work it was taken form, but it looks like a library entry in style and format.
It's never been stated anywhere, but I think the neutral zone created by the Peace of Ftahalr originally ran down through Margyar. When the Solomani Confederation seceded from the Imperium, it started to encroach on those neutral worlds until by the Classic Era it had a border with the Hierate.

In Classic Traveller, the description of the autonomous region granted by Margaret I in 704 differs slightly between Supplement 11 and Alien Module 6. Supplement 11 describes "a region of space within a radius of 50 parsecs of Terra," while the Alien Module presents "a sphere of space 100 parsecs in diameter that was centered on Terra."

It's a little challenging to neatly map this out because of the distortions associated with hexes.

  • If you treat Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) as point 0 and count out 50 hexes in every direction, you get a hex-shaped body 101 hexes across with corners at Diaspora 1817, Spica 0402, Langere 0412, Aldebaran 1837, Ustral Quadrant 3212, and Dark Nebula 3202.
  • If you treat Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) as point 1 and count out 49 hexes in every direction, you get a hex-shaped body 99 hexes across with corners at Diaspora 1818, Spica 0303, Langere 0313, Aldebaran 1836, Canopus 0113, and Magyar 0103.
The distinction is actually pretty important in that you are either encroaching into Dark Nebula and Ustral sectors or you aren't. And that probably was a very big deal to the Aslan of 704.

Anyone else ever look at this before?

Ok not trying to be mean or rude but what is your point? The Aslan and the Solomani bitching and complaing about what belongs to who is pretty constant and small fights over a system or twohappens all the time. Just think of it when you were a kid on the playground and two kids getting into an agreement over who was there first. Sooner or later one goes "OH YEA" and so starts the pushing and the rolling on the ground and nobody really gets hurt. So yes it goes into Aslan space on purpose.

Now when the Empress made this decree she probably knew what she was doing. After all the Solomani are not under her control since it is an Autonomous Region which governs itself, if they have any concerns they need to take it up with Terra not her. Now if the Solomani get smacked around some awww what a shame.

Again I don't want to be rude but yes you are right.