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Another question: HOw will you handle star maps for the HH universe? Will you use the standard Traveller mapping, hexes with a different scale, free-mapping (no hexes), or another method?

Given the distances involved in the HH universe, like it well be maps similar in style to those found in the books. Mostly denoting the distances between systems.

Makes sense. I'm wondering if a 3D or 2D co-ordinate system (as I don't remember the books making a big deal about above and below the galactic plane) with a distances matrix would be good too. That way you can go anywhere to anywhere, pretty much.


Hi, all. Long time no post....

Actually there are other astrographic phenomenae that I'd suggest you'd want to put on an HH map. For example, the gravitic "currents" that the navies and merchants use to shorten transit times are well charted, consistant features of the storyline. On several occasions, David Weber makes use of the transits between these currents as settings for ambushes, pirate traps, etc. Several of the more prominant ones are named in the novels.

Another thought is to map the systems described in such detail in the books. There's enough detail in the series to detail not only the principal systems but also many of the systems where battles take place.

Paul Nemeth