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Marines livery

Do the Marines have an emblematic color? A logo? An official motto?

Yes, I can make it up, but before I do I thought I'd ask.

The Imperial Marines use a Maroon Sunburst Logo (going all the way back to CT). According to GT: Ground Forces, their basic dress/undress uniform has a black single-breasted tunic jacket * with black trousers, all trimmed with maroon. Their parade dress is a maroon single-breasted tunic with black kilt (though black trousers are used in low-g situations).

Their "utilities" uniform (i.e. fatigues) are a black tunic and grey pants w/ black boots.
* Note that some sources from the CT/MT era suggest that the jacket is double-breasted.

I do believe Bugs Bunny is an official United States Marine. He has a cameo marching in his dress blues at the end of "Super Rabbit".