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this idea occurs sometime in the late 21st century on Mars. Elon Musk establishes Venture City, a Martian Metropolis in Vallis Marineris, the population has just surpassed one million colonists. People are exploring the Martian canyon system like never before and in a side canyon a series of caves is explored, in one of them is an Ancient artifact, the Mars Gate, when activated it sends people to another galaxy into the future into my Andromeda setting, to a Marslike planet known to the local inhabitants are Ares.

The Mars gate was the means by which the Ancients transported people and animals to the Helios-Gaia system. The year is 2075 AD, it is 1130 Imperial on the other side and the year 26 by the Gaian calendar. This severely affects the timeline on the Mars side of the gate. Some of the colonists from the future step through into the past, they need to access library data to communicate with the Ancient Terran Mars colonists from there point of view. What do you think happens next?

I checked the Traveller timeline, the jump drive is "invented" in 2087, maybe technology transference through the Marsgate had something to do with this. The colony of Venture City is run by X-Corp by the way. In this setting anyway, X-Corp is the parent company for subsidiaries like SpaceX and Tesla, considering that that Martian colony has 1 million+ inhabitants, I think it is safe to assume that X-Corp is doing rather well. After having made contact with the Andromeda colonists from the future, it has the inside track of developing the Jump drive, plus it knows that the First Imperium is out there, though first contact with them has yet to be made.

A trade system with the Colonists in the Gaia system is set up, X-Corp keeps the Marsgate as a trade secret to stay ahead of its competitors, in the meantime it develops the science fiction components of tech level 8, such as gravity vehicles, the Jump drive and the maneuver drive, it provides low tech industrial goods that the Gaians can't easily manufacture for themselves, the cities of Gaia are rather small as cities go. X-Corp sends some colonists through the gate themselves, it is a one-way journey, as X-Corp doesn't want them revealing the existance of the Marsgate and then have Earth governments step in and take over the colony. X-Corps wants the public to think they invented the jump drive themselves through the brilliant work of their scientists.
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