OK, some very quick, very loose numbers.
From CT TCS:
New Home launches a STL colony ship to Colchis in 4788 that arrives in 4814.
Distance is 2 parsecs, duration is 26 years.
Best guess calculations in round figures put it as a 0.04G reaction drive under continuous thrust with mid point turnover. Top speed at the turnover is just over 0.5C (who said 0.5C? give that sophont a cookie!)
Based on the original Terran ship designs (asteroid ships) and an earlier thought that armour might allow a higher total speed vs impact risks how does this sound:
Let's take a TL8 baseline (pre jump drive) and a basic Planetoid, so our armour is 11. Using that I'd maybe go with the following table:
Armour Factor “Safe” Velocity
0 0.00 NOTE 1
1 0.05
2 0.10
3 0.15
4 0.20
5 0.25
6 0.30
7 0.35
8 0.40
9 0.45
10 0.50
11 0.55
12 0.60
13 0.65
14 0.70 NOTE 2
Where armour factor may include planetoid buffering but the maximum is TL8 before STL is superceded by jump drives.
Where "Safe" is a relative term (risk assessment vs speed) and presuming interstellar space where the risk is lowest is also the highest speed. The "Safe" speed is for interstellar space, not intersystem space.
Velocity is of course stated in fractions of C
NOTE 1 - Unarmoured ships are restricted to very low velocity such that they do not make good STL ships. My earlier notes on maximum velocity based on standard fuel or travel times should apply.
NOTE 2 - An arbitrary maximum partly to avoid very near C issues, though I really don't see high TL worlds doing any of this. Realistically STL craft will peak out at TL8 and be replaced by jump drives upon reaching TL9.
I'm not sure how well this relates to the 2000+ years for the original colony ships travelling from Terra/Sol to Islands/Rift. I haven't even looked at the range of that yet and might not bother