I can't imagine that this hasn't been discussed to death, but has anyone ever been able to figure out how they came up with the MCr 28 price tag for only 20 dTons of cutter without its custom module. I tried plugging the known prices from LBB 2 (like hull, MD-A, PP-A) and could get pretty close with tonnage (looks like about a 10 dTon bridge) but nowhere near the official MCr 28 price tag.
Then I took a look at Book 5: High Guard and the 'official' rules for designing small craft and my first pass still didn't come close to MCr 28 for a Modular Cutter (without the module). This was not a big surprise, LBB2 vs HG compatibility issues are hardly news to anyone. I was a bit disappointed to discover that there was nothing in the errata on Small Craft prices, so those prices are still thought to be 'correct'.
I have some basic issues when 20 dTons of a 50 dTon Cutter costs more than an entire 100 dTon Scout that appears to use the same drives, far more hull, and adds a jump drive, but I am willing to give the numbers a chance to speak for themselves. So far, they are talking gibberish.
Just for laughs, I looked up the 50 dTon Modular Cutter in Mongoose Traveller Core Rules ... It still costs MCr 28 plus the cost of the module. I have no idea how the pricing works out under MgT Small Craft design, and my focus at the moment is on Classic Traveller. I just found it interesting that the price remained across the jump to a new edition.
So does anyone have a design breakdown for a 50 dTon Modular Cutter that adds up to MCr 28?
[As an aside, the T5 Modular Cutter design posted on COTI was interesting ... and far less than MCr 28.]
Then I took a look at Book 5: High Guard and the 'official' rules for designing small craft and my first pass still didn't come close to MCr 28 for a Modular Cutter (without the module). This was not a big surprise, LBB2 vs HG compatibility issues are hardly news to anyone. I was a bit disappointed to discover that there was nothing in the errata on Small Craft prices, so those prices are still thought to be 'correct'.
I have some basic issues when 20 dTons of a 50 dTon Cutter costs more than an entire 100 dTon Scout that appears to use the same drives, far more hull, and adds a jump drive, but I am willing to give the numbers a chance to speak for themselves. So far, they are talking gibberish.
Just for laughs, I looked up the 50 dTon Modular Cutter in Mongoose Traveller Core Rules ... It still costs MCr 28 plus the cost of the module. I have no idea how the pricing works out under MgT Small Craft design, and my focus at the moment is on Classic Traveller. I just found it interesting that the price remained across the jump to a new edition.
So does anyone have a design breakdown for a 50 dTon Modular Cutter that adds up to MCr 28?
[As an aside, the T5 Modular Cutter design posted on COTI was interesting ... and far less than MCr 28.]