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There was a recent discovery of a 3 solar mass non-interacting black hole with a red giant companion with a mass of half that, below is a link to the article:
This gives me an idea for an artificial world we can call "Mega-Earth" because 3 solar masses equals one million Earth masses, and at a radius 1000 times that of Earth (12,800,000 km) the gravity which would be 1,000,000g at 1 Earth radius, gets reduced to 1g at 1000 Earth radii due to the inverse square law, and because the surface area of a sphere is proportional to the square of its radius, it will have one million times the surface area of Earth or one third of the surface area of Larry Niven's Ringworld. This is a huge sphere, a kind of shell World and it is orbited by a red giant of 1.5 solar masses which can provide surface illumination. I'll go check the Scouts book to find a suitable star for this.

The closest giant I can find on the charts is an Orange Giant K0 III, it has 4 solar masses and a Luminoscity of 95 times that of the Sun, this places the habitable zone at around 9.75 AU from the star the orange giant has 1 more solar mass than the black hole, and it needs a circular orbit around the common baricenter. Because the shellworld has such a large radius, its day is 24 Earth days long so a point on its surface gets 12 days of daylight followed by 12 days of night.

The orbit period is 4202 days and 11 hours, or about 11.5 years. If the planet has seasons, each season is 2.88 years long.
Why is this not a molten heap? Would a rocky world honestly be capable of scaling up something this big, simply not tearing itself apart or having it's core just bleed out the top all the time?
1 million earth masses would be 100 earth radius not 1000
100 g at surface
10,000 x the surface area.
Not sure about the stability...without fusion it will probably collapse into a white dwarf
Why is this not a molten heap? Would a rocky world honestly be capable of scaling up something this big, simply not tearing itself apart or having it's core just bleed out the top all the time?

It is just an empty shell around a quiet black hole of 3 solar masses orbiting around a common center with an orange giant K0 III (4 solar masses) at a distance of 9.75 AU, which puts the mega Earth in the star's habitable zone. An array of crisscrossing orbital rings hold the shell up against the black hole's gravity, which at a radius of 6,400,000 km (not 12,800,000 as I said previously) has 1g of gravity at its surface.