This is only one person's comments, but I have no doubt that there are others who feel this way.
Baron Ovka
Comments From the Mongoose Boards Reposted with Permission from the Poster said:Is there an issue with millenials and Traveller? I don't really have much trouble with kids and classic sci-fi but I do have trouble with kids and games that haven't fully adapted their business to the internet.
FFE is a case in point and why I prefer Mongoose's Traveller. Trying to buy Traveller 5 is a nightmare slog. FFE's main website sells CD-ROMs (No, I don't know what those are either) and the e-book link goes to a page on Drivethru RPG that has no Traveller books on. So you try to go to the forums to find out what's happening but you can't register because it doesn't accept email addresses from gmail or any other email provider I've heard of. I *think* my physical ISP gave me an address that would work, but everyone I know changed to apple or gmail already because of the phone services it integrates with. For a product traditionally aimed at geeks or for people who live their lives on a phone, this can be a bit jarring.
So I end up with Mongoose. Their books might be plain black and white like it was 1970 all over again (Legend!), but at least Mongoose has a functioning internet presence with a working shopping cart that enables me to actually purchase things and bore people to death on forums.
Baron Ovka