Originally posted by RickA:
Veltyen, where is that in the book? I need to be able to point out to my players, lol (the part about how batteries are decided at build time that is). I was leaning towards "It's built that way" but then found no extra room or weight caused by battery mechanisms so ended up leaning back to the "on the fly" computer controled model.
Stick with
It's built that way.
If your players choose to believe that permanent battery assignments don't exist because no 'extra' room was taken up by the 'weight' of 'battery' mechanisms, enforce your role as the GM. The batteries set-up aboard their ship exists because you say so and, if they want to change it,
make them work for it!
Their complaints about battery assignments have just handed you a ready made 'hook' with which to tug them about!
Explain it this way. There isn't any 'extra' components within their ship's turret tonnage that magically makes those three separate pulse laser turrets into one battery. It isn't a case of building three separate turrets and then adding something to make them a battery. Instead, the three pulse laser turrets were built to operate as one battery in the first place. They were built to operate together and thus cannot operate independently.
If the players want those turrets to operate outside of their of their current, physical default state; i.e. one battery, the players will have to
add all the proper mechanisms. And their search for all the extra stuff they need will keep that nice 'hook' in your GM's bag of tools!
You're correct in pointing out how poor battery assignments during the design phase can rob a ship of it's offensive punch. And you also correctly point out that sometimes players will want several batteries and sometimes they'll want one big battery.
As a GM, I faced a similar problem for similar reasons back in the early 80s. My players had got their sweaty little hands on a
Broadsword only to discover it's puny battery factors. Sure, it had four laser and missile batteries aboard, but each battery consisted of only one turret! What a waste of potential firepower.
I used my players' wish for bigger batteries to help control an entire campaign. They scrounged up money, parts, labor, etc. for the job while they flitted from session to session and adventure to adventure. Their obsession served me very well.
Anyway, to toot my own horn here... I've a little article at Jeff Zeitlin's
Freelance Traveller site that deals with 'flexible' battery assignments. You can find a link to Jeff's site at COTI's Starport. The article is for CT only, but I deal with issues like retrofits, costs, parts, legality, default assignments, and so forth. If memory serves, I even tackle DIY upgrades!
Have fun,