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T5 Only: Model 1/bis output - 1705 Efate

Hex = 1705

Name = Efate

UWP = A646930-D
Starport = A
Quality = Excellent
Yards = Starships
Repairs = Overhaul
Fuel = Both
Downport = Yes
Highport = Yes
possBases = NS
Size = 6
6 6,000 9,600
Atmosphere = 4
4 Thin, Tainted P1, S1
Hydrosphere = 6
6 60%
Population = 9
POPULATION UNDER 8,000,000,000
9 Billion ,000,000,000
Government = 3
3 Self-Perpetuating Oligarchy Rule by a restricted minority with little or no input from the masses
Law Level = 0
0 No Law No prohibitions
Tech Level = D

Remarks = Hi In An
Hi 9ABC High Population
In 012479 9ABC industrial
An Ancient Site

{Ix} = { 5 }
Starport A = +1
TL 13 = +1
Hi = +1
In = +1
Way Station = +1
Importance = Important (5)+0=5

(Ex) = (B8H+1)
Resources = 11
Labour = 8
Infrastructure = 17
Efficiency = 1
RU = 1496

[Cx] = [4E18]
Homogeneity = 4
Acceptance = 14
Strangeness = 1
Symbols = 8

N = BEf
B Knight any
E Count Hi
f Duke In

B = NW
N Naval Base Imperial
W Scout Way Station Imperial

Z = -
- Green - Unrestricted. Imperial.

PBG = 800
Population Multiplier = 8
POPULATION UNDER 8,000,000,000
Planetoid Belts = 0
Gas Giants = 0

W = 8
Non Stars In System = 8
-1 (mainworld)
-0 (planetoid belts)
-0 (gas giants)
= 7 other worlds

A = ImDd
ImDd Third Imperium, Domain of Deneb (Dene/Reft/Spin/Troj)

Stellar = K4 V
Stars = 1
[Cx] = [4E18]
Homogeneity = 4
Acceptance = 14
Strangeness = 1
Symbols = 8

Does anyone have any idea what these values really mean?

The explanation in T5 Core Rules is vague to the point of being useless.

The only one I've been able to figure something for is Symbols. as TL + Flux means, to my interpretation, this is the educational process for the world. The base value of TL + 0 means the general level of understanding and educational standards for technology (i.e. what you largely use symbols for) is equal to the TL.

When Symbols is less than TL, the general populace has a less than average understanding of the Technology around them. In this case, at -5, the average citizen of Efate has a terrible understanding of the advanced technology the world produces.
the average citizen of Efate has a terrible understanding of the advanced technology the world produces.

the average citizen will always be behind the tech curve. can you explain exactly how a fission reactor works? how an airplane wing creates lift? how a cell tower processes incoming and outgoing calls? does a cpu with 1G of registers mean anything to the average person? and while all that's just tech 8, I'd bet most citizens of efate couldn't tell you either.
Does anyone have any idea what these values really mean?

[Cx] = [4E18]
Homogeneity = 4
Acceptance = 14
Strangeness = 1
Symbols = 8
The explanation in T5 Core Rules is vague to the point of being useless.

The only one I've been able to figure something for is Symbols. as TL + Flux means, to my interpretation, this is the educational process for the world. The base value of TL + 0 means the general level of understanding and educational standards for technology (i.e. what you largely use symbols for) is equal to the TL.

When Symbols is less than TL, the general populace has a less than average understanding of the Technology around them. In this case, at -5, the average citizen of Efate has a terrible understanding of the advanced technology the world produces.
Homogeneity 4 means the society isn't homogenous. Lots of subgroups. Possibly also socially unstable.

Acceptance is high - very high. They are positively xenophillic. Can't get much higher.

Strangeness is low; it runs 0-A, a 1 means a few local customs, but generally not going to be too alien to "interstellar culture".

Symbols - it would imply roughyly modern types of symbology.
the average citizen will always be behind the tech curve. can you explain exactly how a fission reactor works? how an airplane wing creates lift? how a cell tower processes incoming and outgoing calls? does a cpu with 1G of registers mean anything to the average person? and while all that's just tech 8, I'd bet most citizens of efate couldn't tell you either.

Yes... :coffeesip: ;)
[Cx] = [4E18]
Homogeneity = 4
Acceptance = 14
Strangeness = 1
Symbols = 8

I was working on an easier understanding of the cultural extension today. Left my notes on some old-fashioned mk.I notebook paper yesterday, but can type them in tomorrow.

Off the top of my head:
  • Homogeneity = Homegeneity (Uniformity - K'kree) vs. Heterogeneity (Diversity - Hiver) (Pop-based stat) (More population = more diversity)
  • Acceptance = Monoculturalism (Intolerance - Xenophobia - K'kree) vs. Multiculturalism (Tolerance - Xenophilia - Hiver) (Pop-based stat) (More population = more multiculturalism)
  • Strangeness = Divergence from Interstellar Norms (Degree of Individualized Societal Cultural Identity = Strength or Confidence in Cultural Identity) (Flux-based stat) (Imperial Humaniti vs. Droyne)
  • Symbols = Specialization (Specialized Abstraction = Zhodani) vs. Generalization (Figurative Literalism - Solomani) (Sort of the Sapir-Whorf of culture) (TL-based stat: More TL = More abstraction)

Hope that makes sense.

Was brainstorming definitions and examples to use in a future magazine article.

Was really playing with opposed values and playing the values in a weighted formula.

Came up with a numerical value indicating hostility or agreeability.

Does anyone have any idea what these values really mean?

The explanation in T5 Core Rules is vague to the point of being useless.

The only one I've been able to figure something for is Symbols. as TL + Flux means, to my interpretation, this is the educational process for the world. The base value of TL + 0 means the general level of understanding and educational standards for technology (i.e. what you largely use symbols for) is equal to the TL.

When Symbols is less than TL, the general populace has a less than average understanding of the Technology around them. In this case, at -5, the average citizen of Efate has a terrible understanding of the advanced technology the world produces.

Concerning symbols, these two brief threads talked about it some time ago, and are rather interesting:


CsIm: "Client state, Third Imperium" = 1 worlds
ImDv: "Third Imperium, Domain of Vland" = 414 worlds
ImLc: "Third Imperium, Lancian Cultural Region" = 118 worlds
NaHu: "Non-Aligned, Human-dominated" = 2 worlds


Gushemege sector was designed by Marc W. Miller and appears in Atlas of the Imperium (GDW, 1984). It was refined by Martin J. Dougherty and appears in 1248 Sourcebook 2: Bearers of the Flame (ComStar Media/Avenger Enterprises, 2006).


Traveller 5 Second Survey

Starports = ABCDEX = 6 variations
A = 87 systems
B = 135 systems
C = 158 systems
D = 68 systems
E = 70 systems
X = 17 systems
Sizes = 0123456789A = 11 variations
0 = 19 systems
1 = 9 systems
2 = 24 systems
3 = 40 systems
4 = 90 systems
5 = 165 systems
6 = 65 systems
7 = 53 systems
8 = 45 systems
9 = 15 systems
A = 10 systems
Atmospheres = 0123456789ABCE = 14 variations
0 = 48 systems
1 = 25 systems
2 = 49 systems
3 = 61 systems
4 = 60 systems
5 = 59 systems
6 = 67 systems
7 = 47 systems
8 = 52 systems
9 = 41 systems
A = 4 systems
B = 11 systems
C = 8 systems
E = 3 systems
Hydrospheres = 0123456789A = 11 variations
0 = 104 systems
1 = 34 systems
2 = 46 systems
3 = 50 systems
4 = 43 systems
5 = 59 systems
6 = 46 systems
7 = 57 systems
8 = 35 systems
9 = 23 systems
A = 38 systems
Populations = 0123456789A = 11 variations
0 = 14 systems
1 = 38 systems
2 = 36 systems
3 = 81 systems
4 = 95 systems
5 = 95 systems
6 = 72 systems
7 = 43 systems
8 = 33 systems
9 = 25 systems
A = 3 systems
Governments = 0123456789ABCDE = 15 variations
0 = 50 systems
1 = 35 systems
2 = 41 systems
3 = 55 systems
4 = 63 systems
5 = 68 systems
6 = 54 systems
7 = 57 systems
8 = 42 systems
9 = 28 systems
A = 22 systems
B = 9 systems
C = 8 systems
D = 3 systems
Law Levels = 0123456789ABCDEFG = 17 variations
0 = 71 systems
1 = 34 systems
2 = 44 systems
3 = 48 systems
4 = 54 systems
5 = 58 systems
6 = 55 systems
7 = 46 systems
8 = 33 systems
9 = 34 systems
A = 23 systems
B = 13 systems
C = 14 systems
D = 3 systems
E = 4 systems
G = 1 systems
dashs = - = 1 variations
- = 535 systems
Tech Levels = 023456789ABCDEF = 15 variations
0 = 7 systems
2 = 9 systems
3 = 19 systems
4 = 34 systems
5 = 45 systems
6 = 57 systems
7 = 78 systems
8 = 64 systems
9 = 65 systems
A = 51 systems
B = 40 systems
C = 27 systems
D = 23 systems
E = 12 systems
F = 4 systems
As = 17 systems
De = 50 systems
Fl = 23 systems
Ga = 36 systems
He = 64 systems
Ic = 16 systems
Oc = 4 systems
Va = 46 systems
Wa = 35 systems
Di = 1 systems
Ba = 2 systems
Lo = 112 systems
Ni = 283 systems
Ph = 50 systems
Hi = 38 systems
Pa = 47 systems
Ag = 73 systems
Na = 48 systems
Pi = 32 systems
In = 22 systems
Po = 105 systems
Pr = 26 systems
Ri = 48 systems
Mr = 11 systems
Px = 1 systems
Cp = 12 systems
Cs = 1 systems
Fo = 17 systems
Pz = 40 systems
Da = 13 systems
An = 1 systems
9 variations
5 = 2 systems
4 = 12 systems
3 = 23 systems
2 = 60 systems
1 = 127 systems
0 = 75 systems
-1 = 78 systems
-2 = 66 systems
-3 = 92 systems
Resource = 23456789ABCDEFGH = 16 variations
2 = 15 systems
3 = 18 systems
4 = 29 systems
5 = 43 systems
6 = 53 systems
7 = 63 systems
8 = 63 systems
9 = 55 systems
A = 45 systems
B = 52 systems
C = 35 systems
D = 22 systems
E = 20 systems
F = 9 systems
G = 4 systems
H = 2 systems
Labour = 0123456789 = 10 variations
0 = 21 systems
1 = 58 systems
2 = 82 systems
3 = 96 systems
4 = 93 systems
5 = 74 systems
6 = 47 systems
7 = 32 systems
8 = 25 systems
9 = 3 systems
Infrastructure = 0123456789ABCDEFGH = 18 variations
0 = 55 systems
1 = 148 systems
2 = 35 systems
3 = 45 systems
4 = 69 systems
5 = 50 systems
6 = 24 systems
7 = 17 systems
8 = 16 systems
9 = 5 systems
A = 8 systems
B = 15 systems
C = 17 systems
D = 7 systems
E = 4 systems
F = 7 systems
G = 7 systems
H = 0 systems
Efficiency = 0,1,-5,-4,5,-3,-1,-2,3,2,4 = 11 variations
5 = 18 systems
4 = 13 systems
3 = 28 systems
2 = 31 systems
1 = 91 systems
0 = 0 systems
-1 = 49 systems
-2 = 54 systems
-3 = 96 systems
-4 = 62 systems
-5 = 93 systems
Homogeneity = 0123456789ABCDE = 15 variations
0 = 49 systems
1 = 143 systems
2 = 57 systems
3 = 45 systems
4 = 63 systems
5 = 42 systems
6 = 24 systems
7 = 31 systems
8 = 29 systems
9 = 21 systems
A = 9 systems
B = 10 systems
C = 2 systems
D = 6 systems
E = 0 systems
Acceptance = 0123456789ABCDE = 15 variations
0 = 24 systems
1 = 77 systems
2 = 61 systems
3 = 46 systems
4 = 54 systems
5 = 75 systems
6 = 59 systems
7 = 33 systems
8 = 22 systems
9 = 25 systems
A = 14 systems
B = 9 systems
C = 5 systems
D = 9 systems
E = 2 systems
Strangeness = 0123456789A = 11 variations
0 = 43 systems
1 = 110 systems
2 = 71 systems
3 = 90 systems
4 = 67 systems
5 = 57 systems
6 = 40 systems
7 = 19 systems
8 = 13 systems
9 = 7 systems
A = 1 systems
Symbols = 0123456789ABCDEFGHK = 19 variations
0 = 5 systems
1 = 16 systems
2 = 21 systems
3 = 28 systems
4 = 42 systems
5 = 61 systems
6 = 44 systems
7 = 64 systems
8 = 52 systems
9 = 43 systems
A = 37 systems
B = 29 systems
C = 19 systems
D = 15 systems
E = 8 systems
F = 0 systems
G = 0 systems
H = 0 systems
K = 0 systems
B-Knight-11 = 515 systems
c-Baronet-12 = 73 systems
C-Baron-13 = 102 systems
D-Marquis-14 = 30 systems
e-Viscount-15 = 47 systems
E-Count-16 = 36 systems
f-Duke-17 = 6 systems
F-Duke-18 = 13 systems
D-Naval Depot-Any = 1 systems
N-Naval Base-Imperial = 81 systems
S-Scout Base-Imperial = 139 systems
W-Scout Way Station-Imperial = 5 systems
Green = 465 systems
Amber = 53 systems
Red = 17 systems
No Population (0-2)-Unpopulated = 128 systems
Low Population (3-5)-Thousands = 170 systems
Medium Population (6-8)-Millions = 181 systems
HIGH Population (9+)-Billions = 56 systems
0 Planetoid Belts = 327 systems
1 Planetoid Belts = 115 systems
2 Planetoid Belts = 84 systems
3 Planetoid Belts = 9 systems
0 Gas Giants = 136 systems
1 Gas Giants = 29 systems
2 Gas Giants = 88 systems
3 Gas Giants = 134 systems
4 Gas Giants = 114 systems
5 Gas Giants = 34 systems
4 = 1 systems
5 = 7 systems