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Mongoose Behind the Claw


Interested to hear views from anyone who has picked this up as I am swithering. 27 quid is a lot to splash on a pdf. Especially as I already have the 1st Mongoose Ed Spinward Marches and Deneb books (as well as versions of the Marches in other editions). The blurb says there is loads of new stuff in this version but... really?
Interested to hear views from anyone who has picked this up as I am swithering. 27 quid is a lot to splash on a pdf. Especially as I already have the 1st Mongoose Ed Spinward Marches and Deneb books (as well as versions of the Marches in other editions). The blurb says there is loads of new stuff in this version but... really?

Oh, yeah - we added a lot :)

Deneb is completely re-written, the Marches completely re-edited, and we took absolutely every opportunity to add gaming info - so there are loads of new ships, creatures, playable alien races, and oodles more!
Interested to hear views from anyone who has picked this up as I am swithering. 27 quid is a lot to splash on a pdf. Especially as I already have the 1st Mongoose Ed Spinward Marches and Deneb books (as well as versions of the Marches in other editions). The blurb says there is loads of new stuff in this version but... really?

Is there a street date for the book?
You mentioned new creatures...Are there any "official" write ups for "canon" creatures like the kian?
You mentioned new creatures...Are there any "official" write ups for "canon" creatures like the kian?

Well, they are all canon in this book - but if you are talking about things that have appeared in previous books, yes. Including the Kian :)
There is an impressive amount of game mechanics, including aliens, vehicles, and ships. The material is similar to the earlier Spinward Marches and Deneb books, but there is on average one additional world description for each subsector. So all told there is a lot of new material. And what has been carried over has been re-edited or re-written.