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(Mongoose) Signs & Portents 88 - Ready for Download


The latest issue of our online magazine, Signs & Portents, is ready for free download of its latest issue and, once again, we have a bumper crop for you! You can download the PDF from here;


In this month's issue;

A Call to Arms: Noble Armada
The final preview before release next month, taking a look at the various weaponry available in the game.

Deus Vult
A complete scenario for Deus Vult, which sees the players searching for a knight bearing a holy relic.

A look at parallel dimensions in campaigns.

Clockwork & Chivalry
A variety of new weapons and other martial tools with which to tease opponents.

Lone Wolf
A complete scenario, which will pit the players against a newly emerged Cener Druid with diabolical plans for the area.

A Call to Arms: Noble Armada
The first battle report for the new space fleet combat game!

Age of Treason
A new setting for RuneQuest is unveiled...

Completing the hatrick of adventures in this issue, a mission for Troubleshooters that will see them testing security systems in Alpha Complex. Nothing could go wrong there, then...

The space bazaar looks at a variety of weird and wonderful alien artefacts.

Judge Dredd
Going into the Cursed Earth? Look out for these beasties...

An excerpt from the forthcoming Cathay books, featuring the Daughters of Heaven.

A classic Traveller article returns, looking at the Two Thousand Worlds.