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Mongoose Traveller Crossover: Alden Colony


SOC-14 1K
My campaign's players have asked for a new setting, a human colony on a
remote hostile desert world in a universe with a comparatively low techno-
logy level, and this time they want Mongoose Traveller as the only system
(for our previous settings we used a mix of Traveller versions and BRP).

With the Babylon 5 setting for Mongoose Traveller now available, and the
various supplements for the Babylon 5 RPG also available as PDFs at a redu-
ced price, I decided to start with the Babylon 5 universe as the setting's

Therefore the humans' interstellar nation will be the Solar Alliance, an Earth
Alliance with some changes in its history (e.g. no Minbari War) and a lower
technology level (about TL 9 / 10).

For the known alien species I habe chosen the Narn (friendly neighbours) and
imported the Droyne (mysterious and dangerous) from the OTU, still undisco-
vered neighbours of the new colony will be the insectoid Gaim and the carrion
eating Pakmara - all species slightly changed, with different names and their
serial numbers filed off.

The setting's starships will use Mongoose Traveller's optional hyperdrive and
fission reactors, gravitics technology will be still experimental, very rare and
very expensive.
As for the other equipment, I am waiting for Mongoose's Central Supply Ca-
talogue and vehicle design system before I decide what exactly to use, but
some stuff from Babylon 5 will doubtless be integrated, too.

While waiting I have designed the planet itself and the planetary system, and
for this I used GURPS Space 4e, because with only one planet as the cam-
paign's focus I prefer to have more details (e.g. length of year and day, etc.)
then Traveller's world building system currently does offer.
Of course, I have also started to draw some maps of the planet and of its im-
portant regions.

Other material used for this setting includes various (now re-designed) star-
ships from third party publishers like Spica and dbg, creatures from JBE and
from Samardan's alien design supplement, and (slightly modified) careers from
Spica's career book - and I have no doubt that these and other third party
publishers will continue to provide vital input for the setting and campaign.

With all that background in place and steadily growing (I am at 25 pages of
setting description now), I am now working on the story of the colony itself:
A rich tycoon planning to become immortal by founding the colony farthest
from Earth, a colony ship miscalculating its astrogation and forced to make
an emergeny landing (ideas stolen from MJD's One Crowded Hour), a tycoon
dying of a heart attack during this touchdown, heirs who sue each other
over the inheritance and refuse to support the colony any longer, therefore
supply ships that never come ... you get the idea: Life will be miserable for
the player characters.
In fact, I am working on a list of all the nasty things that can (and doubtless
will) happen to colonists in such a situation.

Well, this is where I am right now. I am not yet sure where exactly I will go
with this setting, but I think it is an example of what can be done with Mon-
goose Traveller's available material.
Sounds great! I'll be interested in hearing more as you develop it. I'll be mining the B5 books myself when my group leaves our present B5 campaign behind. I've been adding plenty of my own stuff to fill out our B5 universe. Now we just need to get everyone's schedule back in sync for summer. :)
Sounds great! I'll be interested in hearing more as you develop it.
Thank you. :)

The first adventure of the campaign will of course be the emergency landing
on the desert world Alden, based upon MJD's very good adventure One Crow-
ded Hour.

Due to a miscalculation caused by an event the characters will remain unawa-
re of for some time, the colony ship will leave hyperspace too late and much
too close to the planet.
Instead of following the plan (inserting satellites into an orbit around the pla-
net and making detailed orbital scans before deploying a party of scouts) the
non-streamlined ship will enter the atmosphere and the characters will have
to help the crew to "safely" land it.
The actions of the characters will determine whether the landing will be an
emergency landing or a crash, how many of the 500 "sleeper" colonists will
survive, and how much of the colony's equipment and supplies will be dama-
ged or destroyed.

After the "touchdown" the characters will have to realize that the wreck of
the colony ship is dangerously close to an active "hot spot" volcano range
on a rocky desert plain with frequent sandstorms (plus some nasty local crea-
tures), so they will have to evacuate the site and move colonists and mate-
rials to another, safer place - probably somewhere on one of the planet's
This will be made a little more difficult because the leader of the project has
died during the landing, and there is no "second in command", so the charac-
ters will need all their social skills to prevent chaos and to organize the eva-

The adventure will end as soon as the colonists and at least their vital equip-
ment have arrived at a safe location, but until then I will do my worst to keep
the characters extremely busy with weather, wildlife, malfunctioning techno-
logy and panicking colonists ... :devil:
And what has this to do with Traveller? It's a bag of "borrowed" things thrown together nothing more.
If he's using MGT rules, then it has something to do with Moongoose Traveller. And unlike other posts of the kind, he didn't forget to make it clear that he wasn't talking about the OTU. I'd say this is a perfectly legitimate thread. It may not interest you or me, but so what? We don't have to read it unless we're idly browsing the site, in which case we're wasiting time anyway ;). No harm, no foul.

And what has this to do with Traveller? It's a bag of "borrowed" things thrown together nothing more.
Well, this is exactly the kind of reaction that makes new players feel "wel-
come" on CotI and gives CotI its reputation. ;)

Oh, and if you want to discuss this, please do it elsewhere. I intend to use
this thread for roleplaying stuff, not to turn it into another OTU canon battle-
field. In other words, try threadcrapping this and I am gone. :)
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Rust I like your attitude of not taking any crud. I like the basis of the game you want to run, it may be borrowed but that dont mean it will not be fun for you or your players. To the peeps that want to burst his bubble just dont, why be rude when he stated what he is going to do for his players.
It's a bag of "borrowed" things thrown together nothing more.

Which is the entire point of Traveller. We deliberately made sure characters, ships and items would carry across different settings, so someone could do exactly this.

Rust: Throw some mercenary hover tanks in too :)
Lightsabers. Lightsabers are like bacon. Everything is better with bacon.

Don't forget to throw in some nut case that can do all kinds of magic-looking stuff with high tech. Definitely the Snow-White Cake of SF. mmmm

Maybe the sleeper ship can be a living ship (or semi-sentient). SF's excellent cup of coffee.

mmmm bacony-snow white cake dunked in coffee. mmmm what were we talking about again?
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Thank you very much for the kind words and ideas. :)

Apart from the outlines of the first adventure described above, the only other
adventure I have already decided upon is the first contact with my setting's
version of the Pakmara - a somewhat bizarre event, but of a kind the players
will probably enjoy.

In the year after the colonists' arrival on Alden a "nearby" nova will send off
a very strong radiation burst, as it does every 300 years or so.This radiation
burst will kill a majority of the native animals on the southern hemisphere of
Alden, and also some unsuspecting colonists.
Almost immediately after the desaster several starships of the Pakmara will
arrive in the system. The Pakmara are carrion eaters, and they came to Alden
- like their ancestors did several times before -to fulfill their religious duty to
"cleanse" the planet by devouring the carrion.
The colonists will probably have a very hard time to understand this kind of
"invasion", and to believe what the Pakmara are telling them about their inten-
tions. Things will even get worse when the Pakmara will demand to be allo-
wed to eat the corpses of the colonists killed by the radiation burst, too.

And the Pakmara will insist on their religious duty (and one can hardly argue
with religions), with several well armed high tech starships to put pressure on
the colonists, while the colonists will doubtless refuse to hand over the corp-
ses of their dead ones.

True to our usual style of roleplaying, the characters will have a chance to
find a clever non-combat solution for this situation, but an attempt to resist
the Pakmara by violent means would almost certainly be suicidal.

Well, this is at least my current basic idea for the adventure (inspired by a
post of Dave Chase on another forum), but I still have to work out the many
details in a way to make the story a bit more plausible.
Well, this is exactly the kind of reaction that makes new players feel "wel-
come" on CotI and gives CotI its reputation. ;)

Oh, and if you want to discuss this, please do it elsewhere. I intend to use
this thread for roleplaying stuff, not to turn it into another OTU canon battle-
field. In other words, try threadcrapping this and I am gone. :)

Well, that might be a good reason for threadcapping, one less MGT fan here...

But if you want critique:

It's a bad setting! It's an unimaginative junkyard of pieces cobbled together and recycled from various universes of so-so quality that don't really mix all that well tacked onto a base setting that has been done to death in books, films and TV-shows. Doing a setting is more than kitbashing parts with barely filed of serial numbers together and hoping it works.

The premise itself is extremly limited and boring, basically it's "Sim City with RPG rules" and that gets really boring really quick
The premise itself is extremly limited and boring, basically it's "Sim City with RPG rules" and that gets really boring really quick
Sorry, but we have been playing Traveller for thirty years now, and you may
well leave it to us to decide what we consider limited or boring ... :rofl:

Otherwise, critique is of course welcome, but in this thread your attitude is
not. There are dozens of other threads where you can be as negative as
you like, so please do me a favour and leave this one alone - thank you. :)
Well, this is exactly the kind of reaction that makes new players feel "wel-
come" on CotI and gives CotI its reputation. ;)

Oh, and if you want to discuss this, please do it elsewhere. I intend to use
this thread for roleplaying stuff, not to turn it into another OTU canon battle-
field. In other words, try threadcrapping this and I am gone. :)
Hey Rust, keep up the good work...and ignore that guy, for he doesnt speak for everyone. I, for one, would love to read more of your campaign ideas. Keep 'em coming.

Sorry, but we have been playing Traveller for thirty years now, and you may
well leave it to us to decide what we consider limited or boring ... :rofl:

Otherwise, critique is of course welcome, but in this thread your attitude is
not. There are dozens of other threads where you can be as negative as
you like, so please do me a favour and leave this one alone - thank you. :)
I like the idea, and i HAVE been playing for 30+ years. Dont sweat the fault finders. Taken from other souces or not, this game promises fun and adventure, and that's what Traveller is all about. Loving what you have so far, Rust. Keep material coming.
