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[MongTrav] RPOL/PbP Game in Gateway Domain


SOC-14 1K
NOTE: This is an RPOL PbP game. Please be sure you're interested before applying. I know people tire easily of PbP's or think horrible things of them. So please think before applying.

Looking for one, possibly two, characters.

'Gateway Drift' takes place in the Gateway Domain of the Imperium. The Domain is made up of four Sectors: Ley, Gateway, Glimmerdrift Reaches and Crucis Margin. The Domain is extremely large and it is up to the players to explore. The Imperium holds a large part of the Ley Sector and a small section of the Glimmerdrift Reaches. The majority of systems out there are independent or in allegiance to another entity.

The year is 992 IY, the Imperium is dealing with the opening stages of the Solomani Rim War several sectors away. The war has been a series of setbacks for the Imperium as assets and materials fail to respond in time. This has strained the surrounding sectors as they donate ships and personnel to the war, The Gateway Domain is an unstable place and resources are tight with interstellar warfare drawing the attention and might of the Imperium elsewhere. This has caused the Imperium borders to heat up with pirate activity, pressure from other political entities, and Solomani provocateurs.

'Gateway Drift' is to be an adventure into the world of Traveller. While there will be an over-arching plot, I want the players to experience the universe in their own fashion. The central fixture will be that of the classic Traveller Trader ship. The players will be the crew of one and will be responsible for the finances on it. It is up to them whether to turn to piracy, honest trade, mercenary work or other avenues of resources.

Essentially, this game will be the “stereotypical Traveller campaign.” I would expect a crew, even a law-abiding one, to be open to dirty deals, breaking the law for good cause (ie. money) and engaging in several anti-social behaviors. Think Firefly.

The campaign will require combat, ship and mercantile skills. While the Gateway Domain is an excellent place to get rich, it is quite dangerous and the players should expect no end of trouble. The scripted adventures prepared assume that the players will be willing to troubleshoot all manner of events for the right amount of money or motivation. However, the characters will be able to direct themselves in any direction they choose to go. Overall themes to include WAR, ESPIONAGE, TRADE, and SURVIVAL.

Please come and take a look.



This game will be using the Mongoose Traveller rules with some non-canon changes.

Requirements for an RTJ

1. All players should have a copy of Traveller Book 0 or the Mongoose Rule Book. No additional books are required although the Narrator will be utilizing the upcoming supplements such as Mercenary, High Guard etc.

2. Please provide a statement of date of birth and country of origin. This game is rated Mature and requires that all players be over the age of majority in their country.

3. Please let me know your familiarity with Traveller (any ruleset). This will not be a reason to accept/deny an application. I just want to know the general level of understanding for everyone.

4. Please let me know what types of adventures you’re interested in. I want to give you what you want and certainly don’t want to disappoint any players.

5. Players must be able to post at least three times per week.

Non-Canon Changes
For those of you concerned about Canon and the like, I have made a number of changes to the game and the Imperium. Major changes as follows:

1. The Gateway Domain and Timeline will be similar but not identical to published materials.

2. Two attributes (Charisma and Perception) added.

3. Computers are more advanced with virtual “Net” technology and programs available.

4. Cyberware and genetic manipulation are more common and available.

5. The Gateway Domain and Timeline will be similar but not identical to published materials.
Wow...looks like you've done a lot of work! The link shows even more; I haven't had a chance to read it all yet.

It looks like you have 3 players already, are you full or is the "1 or 2" the rounding out of the party you're looking for?

Also, one question about "adult"; is that in world view, like Bladerunner, or things i'd rather not let my son see? :)

Thanks for the interest, I am full at the time with six characters. If I have any openings, I'll throw something here first.

Mature rating is for language, violence ONLY.
Thanks! I saw that you had gotten a good bit of interest, congratulations! Of course, I might peek in every so often and read stuff, it looks like your players are forming a good group. :)

I have a possible opening if anyone is still interested. Unsure of whether the player is left but I'll be adding someone new tomorrow if I haven't heard from him.
I have a possible opening if anyone is still interested. Unsure of whether the player is left but I'll be adding someone new tomorrow if I haven't heard from him.

Yup, woot!

Here are some answers to the above:

1. All players should have a copy of Traveller Book 0 or the Mongoose Rule Book. No additional books are required although the Narrator will be utilizing the upcoming supplements such as Mercenary, High Guard etc.

I have T5 and will send you the draft of my character. Feel free to edit as you see fit.

2. Please provide a statement of date of birth and country of origin. This game is rated Mature and requires that all players be over the age of majority in their country.

I am old enough to know better and young enough to do it anyway! Born in 1961 in US.

3. Please let me know your familiarity with Traveller (any ruleset). This will not be a reason to accept/deny an application. I just want to know the general level of understanding for everyone.

Have played at CT, MT, and now T5. Good understanding of the basics.

4. Please let me know what types of adventures you’re interested in. I want to give you what you want and certainly don’t want to disappoint any players.

As the group is already formed I'll join in whereever they are.

5. Players must be able to post at least three times per week.

Hehe...I could do three times a day sometimes...

"Non-Canon Changes"


I play in whatever the DM runs, canon or not. Do I need to roll Charisma and Perception on 2d6? When I roll up the character can I sort the stats however I want?
