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More Data on the Ebokin


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award
I've added the following to the Traveller Wiki entry on the Ebokin. Any constructive criticism is welcome - in particular, the effect of their heightened sense of smell and humans: I think the "tone" is wrong there. But you tell me.

Physiology. Ebokin are bilaterally symmetrical and are built low to the ground, with eight legs (octopodal) and four small manipulative arms set close to the head. They average 0.8 meters tall and 1.5 meters long and 130 kg in weight. They evolved from omnivorous hunters from rough-terrain fields, similar to the land near the present-day starport.

Their hoof-like feet serve as effective bludgeons; unarmed combat with a trained Eibokin is deadly.

Their characteristics are:
Str 3D Gra 2D Vig 2D Int 2D Edu 2D Soc 1D

Adulthood is reached at 14 standard years, physical aging at 30 years, and mental aging at 54 years. The average lifespan is 66 years.

Genders. The Ebokin have dual genders, with females less common (40%) but wielding the authority in government. Males suffer a -2 to Int, and tend to be slightly smaller than females. Males have the 'Craftsman' special ability.

Senses and Communication. Ebokin are deaf, so their language is primarily sign language (with four arms; a two-armed pidgin language exists for the impaired, among which humans are typically classed), but have better olfactory senses than humans. Many Ebokin find the odor of humans to remind them of food. To some, this may be distracting. Their vision, on the other hand, is shifted far into the ultraviolet; communication between humans and Ebokin typically relies on assistive technologies. However, their "hands" can operate human equipment without difficulty.

Sophont Interactions. Human intelligence is often underestimated by Ebokin, due to their only having two arms and the Ebokin's reliance on four arms for complex tasks and language.
interesting race:

A few questions:
How do group themselves clans, families tribes etc.

since males are slightly smaller than females did the females tend to do ore hunting and fighting than males?

Being totally deaf is a pretty serious evolutionary quirk...is there some environmental cause, and how do the compensate for loosing one of the main long range communications/warning methods. especially since sign language is a line of sight only communications method.

I know elephants can sense vibrations through the ground at long distances have they evolved something like that.

also any behavioral quirks due to the deafness would be something I'd like to learn more about. being unable to detect a threat coming until it breaks into line of sight would make me a bit jumpy. Especially if there was a strong wind that could allow a threat to approach from down wind.

I really do like the idea of a multi limbed hooved, martial artist...for some reason the image of a Ebokin rearing up partially front hooves raised in threat display or fighting stance would be an impressive sight to me.

a kick to the head would be like getting hit in the face with a mace...been on the receiving end so I can tell you it hurts A LOT more than a fist.
I've added the following to the Traveller Wiki entry on the Ebokin. Any constructive criticism is welcome - in particular, the effect of their heightened sense of smell and humans: I think the "tone" is wrong there. But you tell me.

Physiology. Ebokin are bilaterally symmetrical and are built low to the ground, with eight legs (octopodal) and four small manipulative arms set close to the head. They average 0.8 meters tall and 1.5 meters long and 130 kg in weight. They evolved from omnivorous hunters from rough-terrain fields, similar to the land near the present-day starport.

Their hoof-like feet serve as effective bludgeons; unarmed combat with a trained Eibokin is deadly.

Their characteristics are:
Str 3D Gra 2D Vig 2D Int 2D Edu 2D Soc 1D

Adulthood is reached at 14 standard years, physical aging at 30 years, and mental aging at 54 years. The average lifespan is 66 years.

Genders. The Ebokin have dual genders, with females less common (40%) but wielding the authority in government. Males suffer a -2 to Int, and tend to be slightly smaller than females. Males have the 'Craftsman' special ability.

Senses and Communication. Ebokin are deaf, so their language is primarily sign language (with four arms; a two-armed pidgin language exists for the impaired, among which humans are typically classed), but have better olfactory senses than humans. Many Ebokin find the odor of humans to remind them of food. To some, this may be distracting. Their vision, on the other hand, is shifted far into the ultraviolet; communication between humans and Ebokin typically relies on assistive technologies. However, their "hands" can operate human equipment without difficulty.

Sophont Interactions. Human intelligence is often underestimated by Ebokin, due to their only having two arms and the Ebokin's reliance on four arms for complex tasks and language.

I like it a lot, Rob. Well done.

External Link: [http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Ebokin Ebokin]

I updated your article with the latest organizational template.

I have slowly been updating the sophont articles and including more information.
* I am particularly interested in the Dandies and their homeworld of Junidy, which I am researching with a strong focus.

I have also been doing macro-level research here:
External Link: [http://wiki.travellerrpg.com/Minor_Non-Human_Race Minor Non-Human Race]


Specific feedback:

I've added the following to the Traveller Wiki entry on the Ebokin. Any constructive criticism is welcome - in particular, the effect of their heightened sense of smell and humans: I think the "tone" is wrong there. But you tell me.

The tone is good, but their is still only a skeleton entry for the species and it needs more work from the community.

Physiology. Ebokin are bilaterally symmetrical and are built low to the ground, with eight legs (octopodal) and four small manipulative arms set close to the head. They average 0.8 meters tall and 1.5 meters long and 130 kg in weight. They evolved from omnivorous hunters from rough-terrain fields, similar to the land near the present-day starport.

I really like the rough terrain remark. Good call.

I might add something about burrowing and nocturnal habits.

Of course the worlds exotic nature might lead to some exotic weather effects as well, lending to better hunting environments. I'm thinking of thick pea-soup fogs, overcast weather, sudden temperature differentials, and the like.

Their hoof-like feet serve as effective bludgeons; unarmed combat with a trained Eibokin is deadly.

Very cool. I might add a natural weapon of poison or toxin to the species. It's fairly common amongst their Terran analogues.

Their characteristics are:
Str 3D Gra 2D Vig 2D Int 2D Edu 2D Soc 1D

I like it.

An exotic psychology will need to be developed to go with the 1D Soc.

Adulthood is reached at 14 standard years, physical aging at 30 years, and mental aging at 54 years. The average lifespan is 66 years.

Very short lifespans. While it's very plausible, I think there should probably be some sort of rationale for this.

On the whole insectoid species would seem to have longer lifespans having simpler physiologies, in many cases, with less chance of parts wearing out or going bad. Of course, we're talking about aliens, fictional species, but the thought seems worthwhile.

Genders. The Ebokin have dual genders, with females less common (40%) but wielding the authority in government. Males suffer a -2 to Int, and tend to be slightly smaller than females. Males have the 'Craftsman' special ability.

I like the craftsman ability. A heightened spatial sense might also make sense.

Senses and Communication. Ebokin are deaf, so their language is primarily sign language (with four arms; a two-armed pidgin language exists for the impaired, among which humans are typically classed), but have better olfactory senses than humans. Many Ebokin find the odor of humans to remind them of food. To some, this may be distracting. Their vision, on the other hand, is shifted far into the ultraviolet; communication between humans and Ebokin typically relies on assistive technologies. However, their "hands" can operate human equipment without difficulty.

I like it.

*** Would Ebokin hands have the adequate reach of human arms? ***

Ergonomics is tricky.

Sophont Interactions. Human intelligence is often underestimated by Ebokin, due to their only having two arms and the Ebokin's reliance on four arms for complex tasks and language.

I really like this insight. Very clever.

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What are GRA and VIG (vigor?).

Substitutes for DEX and END , I would guess. But how do they work?

As I understand it, they're mostly the same as DEX and END, though in tasks only half of GRA can be substituted for DEX, and the same with END and VIG. Also vice versa - if a task specifically requires GRA, then a sophont with DEX can only use half of DEX to substitute for GRA.
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As I understand it, they're mostly the same as DEX and END, though in tasks only half of GRA can be substituted for DEX, and the same with GRA and VIG. Also vice versa - if a task specifically requires GRA, then a sophont with DEX can only use half of DEX to substitute for GRA.

That sounds way cool, but I think I'd need specific examples of such tasks to fully appreciate it.

I like the idea of the (limited) use of alternate profile elements as a way to show differences in alien races.