Chuck Anumia
SOC-14 1K
I once had a group of players that could not decide upon one specific final goal for the entire group.
One wanted to become the owner of the ship they were using.
Another wanted to become the CEO of a Megacorp.
Another wanted to inherit his fathers noble status and lands and retire on the home planet.
Another wanted to own the fastest yacht he could buy.
Another wanted to own the most heavily armed and armored former navy ship in his sector of the universe.
I decided to allow each person to roll a separate character for each desired outcome and then help each other in reaching their goals as we played through the various scenarios. We rotated though the scenarios as each player played a different character for each different episode as we tried to get each main players character to reach their goal.
This did several things for our group.
1. It gave them the opportunity each week to play someone different.
2. It gave them hope that their chosen goal was reachable.
3. It instilled in them a motivational force to return to the game every week so that they could help each other achieve success.
4. It allowed each player to try out very different roles in a short amount of time.
Has anyone allowed your group to roll multiple characters/scenarios running at the same time (or was I crazy to do this?)?
It turned out that the players were actually able to organize this list in a way that would allow them not only to reach their own goals but to prioritize the goals so that the first successful conclusion would help the next player to reach their goal and each success help the next player down the list (as an NPC).
One wanted to become the owner of the ship they were using.
Another wanted to become the CEO of a Megacorp.
Another wanted to inherit his fathers noble status and lands and retire on the home planet.
Another wanted to own the fastest yacht he could buy.
Another wanted to own the most heavily armed and armored former navy ship in his sector of the universe.
I decided to allow each person to roll a separate character for each desired outcome and then help each other in reaching their goals as we played through the various scenarios. We rotated though the scenarios as each player played a different character for each different episode as we tried to get each main players character to reach their goal.
This did several things for our group.
1. It gave them the opportunity each week to play someone different.
2. It gave them hope that their chosen goal was reachable.
3. It instilled in them a motivational force to return to the game every week so that they could help each other achieve success.
4. It allowed each player to try out very different roles in a short amount of time.
Has anyone allowed your group to roll multiple characters/scenarios running at the same time (or was I crazy to do this?)?
It turned out that the players were actually able to organize this list in a way that would allow them not only to reach their own goals but to prioritize the goals so that the first successful conclusion would help the next player to reach their goal and each success help the next player down the list (as an NPC).