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Non OTU: My Customized Ship

Chuck Anumia

SOC-14 1K
I have created a ship purely from my own fertile imagination.
I used no books and the template was a ship 1,000 times smaller.
Sure, I would like to hear "Constructive" criticism about what power plants, jump capabilities, batteries bearing, power requirements and other technical attributes others believe are either unrealistic, unwieldy under powered or over/under thought out.
I love my ship because it has taken on its own personality over the years I have toyed with it. I should simply name the ship "Genie" for the AI that lives in her. Genie has created daughter AI's in other ships over the years. I shall eventually describe/name them also.

Chuck's Behemoth-Class Starship Callandor
The year is 2,557 CE.
Technology Level 14
1 Kilometer in length and half a Kilometer high and at it's widest point.
1,000,000 DTon's (Displacement tons) Non-Streamlined wedge shape
Acceleration 4.4G (4.4 times standard gravity) 36,878 Km/h
Crew: 1,705 (Bridge crew, pilots, engineers (navigation engineers, communications engineers, mechanical engineers), stewards, medics, doctors, cooks, gunnery technicians, machinists, mechanics and 83 marines for security, landing parties.)
20 Citadel-Class, 50T Fighters
3-fixed 405 MJ lasers, hardened cockpit, basic cloaking, acceleration=7.4 G
2 Barlax III class assault Landers, 80 Ton
2 690 MJ Fusion Turrets, basic stealth cloaking, hardened cockpit, Acceleration= 5.5G; 48 passengers
2 Baboon-class Scoopships, 400 tons; Gas giant skimmers suck up fuel for the Behemoth in 8 hours
10 Shuttle craft 48 passengers each.

Armor factor -10
1 spinal mount particle beam, 40 100 ton bays, 300 50 ton bays, 300 Hardpoints with fire control
Spinal Mounted Particle Beam (Damage= 6 X 10,000; Max Range= 236,800 KM)
40 Particle beam bays (Damage= 6 X 1,500; Max Range= 70,700 KM)
300 360 MJ Lasers (Damage= 6 X 150; Max Range= 98,600 KM)
200 Triple (nuclear) Missile turrets
100 Triple Sand caster turrets
Nuclear Damper (factor -9)
1 Black Globe Generator (laser, maser, particle, fusion and nuclear absorbing shield. Short term use only.)

Standard Equipment:
1 Captains suite with shower and a tub and with a Holographic deck above for entertainment and 12 cup holders.
265 Staterooms (single occupancy)
680 Staterooms (double occupancy)
10 Bunk rooms (8 men each)
2 Theaters seating 250 each
6 Meeting Halls seating 100 each
1 Exercise room (Gym)
5 Sickbays (24 beds each)
2 Operating theaters
2 Machine shops
4 Galleys capable of serving 250 per seating
1 Forward Lounge “The Green Dragon” (officer’s capacity 250)
1 Aft Lounge “The Globe and Anchor” (enlisted capacity 500) located just before the drive engines.
2 cup holders per crewman and guests at work stations and in the lounge.
4 cup holders around the captain’s chair on the bridge
64 Storage rooms (10 X 20)
40 Brigs (20 prisoners each)
Fuel processors (24 hours full capacity for Jump 4 and ship use)
18,887 Tons of Cargo space

Optional Equipment:
1 Microsurgery theater
1 Lab
10 Holoventure zones
Swimming pool (464M³ total)
Indoor firing range

The lighting on the ship is controlled by the AI AIVAS (Artificial Intelligence Voice Address System (she is affectionately known as “Genie” which the Master Chief Engineer says stands for General Non-linier Extrapolator). Each person on the ship has a chip on their ID/communicator badge (which each person is required to keep on their persons). Genie can then track where everyone is on the ship at all times. Also each person designates their personal preferences for color lighting and music in their immediate vicinity and the lighting changes as they travel through the ship.

There is also a color coded strip on both sides of every hallway and around the bottom edge of every room on the ship. Each person on the ship is assigned a color code and rank. The lowest person gets the color black and it is located the closest to the floor. The captain has a wide Purple/Gold/Purple stripe closest to the ceiling. Everyone except the captain has people under them in color code or rank or both. The strips along the hallways and rooms display the color scheme of the highest ranking person in color code and rank of the people closest to the sensors. In this way everyone on the ship will know immediately if they are in the presence of a superior. The ranking persons color choices will override their junior’s choices as long as they remain in their presence. After a short time the crew actually stops noticing the changes consciously and actually become so attuned to them that they simply stand to salute when a superior enters or they go on about their business until they acknowledge the presence of a junior.
Every wall in each stateroom and the captains suite are made with LED panels and can be set to reflect any personal photos, movies, works of art or anything else the imagination can dream up as each occupant desires. Never ending slide shows become boring so some people simply have the photos or wallpaper changed on an hourly basis in order to help them keep track of time rather than having to continuously check their chronographs. Genie is always prepared with suggestions of new items from the ships archives which will be unique features of each person’s room and reflect their personalities. Sometimes Genie doesn’t wait for permission before introducing new items into a person’s decor and she can sound rather…pouty, if a ships AI can express emotions, if someone expresses displeasure at the new (unasked for) additions.

Fortunately for the majority of the crew, it is the Captain (Chuck Anumia) who seems to have become Genie’s “Pet Project” as she introduces pictures of art work from the renaissance of the 1500s through the 26th century. She includes classical music in the background while he sleeps and (what sounds like “Nagging” to those who hear her) helpful suggestions and ideas about his wardrobe, diet, exercise, sleep and demeanor towards other crew members complete with backgrounds on each crewmember she mentions. In response (and perhaps due to her age of self-awareness approaching 150 years) he calls her “Mother” when in private and Genie when in public.

Unknown to everyone on the ship (except Captain Chuck) Genie is so well connected to the ships systems that she “Can” run the entire ship without help from humans. Unfortunately (for her at the least) she is unable to repair herself without help from humans or the fleet of repair robots which are currently in storage in the hold for emergency use (when the ships damaged so badly that the engineers and mechanics cannot respond fast enough to keep the ship intact and save the lives of the crew).
Fortunately, she has been programed to only (ONLY?) actually take control of the ship on the captains voice activation code (which naturally, she has synthesized from conversations she has had with the captain over the years, but don’t tell the captain. He likes to think he is really in charge after all *Winks*)

The Globe and Anchor Bar sports a nautical theme with old fashioned canons facing the entrance, ships rigging (furled) near the ceiling and comfortable chairs and tables scattered across the floor and booths for intimate small parties (less than 12 persons) around the exterior. During hours of operation (0600 to 2400 hours) the outer walls of LED panels show scenes of earth ocean travel with clear blue skies and some fluffy white clouds and tropical islands in the distance. Just before the end of the bars hours of operation; the scene slowly changes to a raging hurricane coming closer (complete with lightning and thunder) to help encourage the crew to seek their staterooms (according to Genie. Some believe she just gets entertainment out of the scare this gives people).

Being one of the largest ships in the Navy, the Callandor is tasked with anti-Piracy activities. Just ignore the camouflaged paint scheme and the skull and crossed bones. That is just to let us get closer to our enemies before we unleash our firepower on them. We can either use our superior firepower to overwhelm Pirate bases of operation or use our Marines to assault their base if we are going to retrieve hostages or valuable cargo.
what is a "cup holder"?

general rules for my boats:
1) unstreamlined ships must have boat transport capable of moving at least 1/3 of the crew, and for streamlined ships 1/4 - there must be some way to get personnel on and off the ship. in addition there must be separate boats and boat bays for the captain, supply, and logistics. in addition there must be additional empty boat bays to receive visiting inspectors, dignitaries, ambassadors, negotiators, etc. in addition where troops are carried there must be at least one dedicated ambulance and a casualty receiving bay.
2) there must be lifeboats and/or lowberths capable of holding the entire crew, to provide some method of preserving personnel in the event of major disaster.
what is a "cup holder"?

general rules for my boats:
1) unstreamlined ships must have boat transport capable of moving at least 1/3 of the crew, and for streamlined ships 1/4 - there must be some way to get personnel on and off the ship. in addition there must be separate boats and boat bays for the captain, supply, and logistics. in addition there must be additional empty boat bays to receive visiting inspectors, dignitaries, ambassadors, negotiators, etc. in addition where troops are carried there must be at least one dedicated ambulance and a casualty receiving bay.
2) there must be lifeboats and/or lowberths capable of holding the entire crew, to provide some method of preserving personnel in the event of major disaster.

20 Citadel-Class, 50T Fighters (crew 2 each)
2 Barlax III class assault Landers, 80 Ton (48 troops each)
10 Shuttle craft 48 passengers each.

40+48+48+480= 616 (36% of the crew)

(cup holders are places to set down without spilling your beverage of choice. My preference is StarChcks (tm) Coffee Juice)

I'll add the frozen watch in the next incarnation, thanks for the clue.
40 brigs? 800 prisoners?? You must have one heck of a big pirate problem! Either that or you throw some wild parties.

What is this designed with? T5 or Mongoose? I don't recognize a lot of the components.

Why does the captain have 4 cupholders? He needs a more competent aide.