So we finished The Traveller Adventure. Yay!
When I picked up Traveller several years ago, our adventures started out extremely human-centric, but I've been gradually adding alien elements over time that our club existed. By now, as we finish TTA, we have more Vargr than humans in our crew.
This was the second official campaign we played through completely (first being Beltstrike). I'm next planning to run a short Droyne-centric campaign, before we experience SotA and all of its revelations.
For this campaign I'm using Spore as inspiration. We'll have a tribal Droyne adventure, a city-state one, and then a spacefaring one. I want to bring more of a strategic feel into the game.
Each player will control a tyafelm (six Droyne, one of each caste), and the gameplay will correspond to the following routine:
1) At the beginning of a game turn I (the referee) present each player with several outstanding problems.
2) They roll dice for their Leader character -- the better the roll, the more possible answers to the problem I will reveal to them. They may also have their Drone consult the coyns for the same purpose, or come up with their own solutions.
3) They then pick one solution per problem and assign Droyne to make it happen. Obviously the same subordinate cannot be assigned to several tasks at once, so it's a game of sophont resource management.
4) Based on which method they chose and how well suited their selected Droyne are for the task, I resolve the outcome and we roleplay it out somewhat. Obviously this may affect what problems will arise in the next turn.
They have to make sure no Droyne stays without a task, as that tends to have ugly consequences, and, naturally, lost family members aren't easily replaceable.
When I picked up Traveller several years ago, our adventures started out extremely human-centric, but I've been gradually adding alien elements over time that our club existed. By now, as we finish TTA, we have more Vargr than humans in our crew.
This was the second official campaign we played through completely (first being Beltstrike). I'm next planning to run a short Droyne-centric campaign, before we experience SotA and all of its revelations.
For this campaign I'm using Spore as inspiration. We'll have a tribal Droyne adventure, a city-state one, and then a spacefaring one. I want to bring more of a strategic feel into the game.
Each player will control a tyafelm (six Droyne, one of each caste), and the gameplay will correspond to the following routine:
1) At the beginning of a game turn I (the referee) present each player with several outstanding problems.
2) They roll dice for their Leader character -- the better the roll, the more possible answers to the problem I will reveal to them. They may also have their Drone consult the coyns for the same purpose, or come up with their own solutions.
3) They then pick one solution per problem and assign Droyne to make it happen. Obviously the same subordinate cannot be assigned to several tasks at once, so it's a game of sophont resource management.
4) Based on which method they chose and how well suited their selected Droyne are for the task, I resolve the outcome and we roleplay it out somewhat. Obviously this may affect what problems will arise in the next turn.
They have to make sure no Droyne stays without a task, as that tends to have ugly consequences, and, naturally, lost family members aren't easily replaceable.