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My Shadow PC's (not finished)


Absent Friend
Greetings Sophents!

(I had this set over in the Adventure thread but I deciced to move it over here.)

Started this off after I got back from the hospital. I decided to use the "Shadows" scenaria. We have 5 PC's, and the one Type S Scout. Here is what I have so far:

CT: Daniel Grey 9789A5 Ex-Scout Terms: 5 Age:38
Pilot-2 Engineering-1 Vacc Suit-1 Navigation-0
SMG-1 Jack-of-Trade-1 Air/raft-1 Computer-1

Additional Stats:
Citizen: Imperium Race: Mixed Human (Solomani/?)
Homeworld: Terra System, planet Earth, New Mexico Province
Belter(Game) Position: Leader-Partnership

Cash Status:
6 High Passengers
2 Low Passengers
Scout Ship IISS Zia Sun

BAU Budoka (Katana) (Cr200) 1kg
ZK Urban Bandit 10mm SMG 2.5kg Cr500 S, B(6), F, cap 30 rounds
5 SMG Magazines 2.5kg Cr50
Vacc Suit TL10 6kg Cr10,000
Meduim Range Communicators TL10 .4kg Cr250
Hand Calculator .1kg Cr10
Wrist Watch -kg Cr100
Cold Light Lantern .25kg Cr20
Fine Flexible Plasteel Cable, 50 meters coils, 3kg Cr100
Radiation Counter 1kg Cr250
IR Goggles -kg Cr500
Dehydrated Food 1kg Cr125

CT: Liu Lin (stats shown in Shadows, character #8 Page 2.)

Additional Stats:
Citizen: Race: Solomani
Homeworld: Epsilon Cetus System,star Chin, planet I, Cold Harbor Province
Belter(Game) Position: Leader-Partnership

Cash Status:
Cr 45
1 Low Passenger

ZK Side Arm Slim Automatic Pistol TL5 .75kg (Cr200)
5 Automatic Pistol Magazines 1.25kg (Cr50)
Vacc Suit TL10 6kg (Cr10,000)
Meduim Range Communicators TL10 .4kg (Cr250)
Hand Calculator .1kg Cr10
Wrist Watch -kg Cr100
Cold Light Lantern .25kg Cr20
IR Goggles -kg Cr500
Metal Detector 1kg Cr300
Dehydrated Food .2kg Cr25

CT: Ex-Army Captain Selene Oyer (stats shown in Shadows, character #6 Page 2.)

Additional Stats:
Citizen: Imperium Race: Solomani
Homeworld: Prometheus System, planet Prometheos Discovery Provinve
Belter(Game) Position: Worker

Cash Status:

ZK Urban Bandit 10mm SMG 2.5kg (Cr500) S, B(6), F, cap 30 rounds
3 SMG Magazines 1.5kg Cr30
Vacc Suit TL10 6kg (Cr10,000)
Meduim Range Communicators TL10 .4kg (Cr250)
Hand Calculator .1kg Cr10
Wrist Watch -kg Cr100
Cold Light Lantern .25kg Cr20
IR Goggles -kg Cr500
Fine Flexible Plasteel Cable, 50 meters coils, 3kg Cr100
Dehydrated Food .2kg Cr25

CT: Gani Amaru 9B7789 Belter Age: 26 Terms: 2
Medical-1, Prospecting-2, Ship's Boat-1, Vacc Suit-1
Air/raft-0 Computer-0 Carbine-0

Additional Stats:
Citizen: Imperium Race: Vilani
Homeworld: Vland system, planet Vland, Adgammadar Province
Belter(Game) Position: Worker

Cash Status:
Cr 20

Interstellarms MK24 Bullpup Carbine TL5 3kg (Cr200)
10 Carbine Magazines TL5 1.25kg (Cr100)
Vacc Suit TL10 6kg (Cr10,000)
Meduim Range Communicators TL10 .4kg (Cr250)
Hand Calculator .1kg Cr10
Wrist Watch -kg Cr100
Cold Light Lantern .25kg Cr20
IR Goggles -kg Cr500
Fine Flexible Plasteel Cable, 50 meters coils, 3kg Cr100

CT: Calliope Green 787683 Scientest Age: 22 Term: 1
Computer-1 Jack-of-Trades-1 Air/raft-0 Carbine-0 Vacc Suit-0

Additional Stats:
Citizen: Imperium Race: Solomani
Homeworld: Terra System, planet Mars, Cydonia Province
Belter(Game) Position: Worker

Cash Status:

Interstellarms MK24 Bullpup Carbine TL5 3kg (Cr200)
10 Carbine Magazines TL5 1.25kg (Cr100)
Vacc Suit TL10 6kg (Cr10,000)
Meduim Range Communicators TL10 .4kg (Cr250)
Hand Calculator .1kg Cr10
Wrist Watch -kg Cr100
Cold Light Lantern .25kg Cr20
IR Goggles -kg Cr500
Fine Flexible Plasteel Cable, 50 meters coils, 3kg Cr100

More PC/NPC Stats:

Belter (GamePlayer) Characters/ Non-Player Characters:

PC Partnership Daniel Grey Terra System, planet Earth, New Mexico Provance

NPC Partnership Liu Lin Epsilon Cetus system, planet I, Cold Harbor Province

NPC Worker Selene Oyer Promethius system, Plant Promethius, Discovery Province
NPC Worker Gani Amaru Vland System, planet Vland, Adgammadar Province
NPC Worker Calliope Green Terra system, planet Mars, Cydonia Province

Equipment Weights:
Dan 17.75kg
Liu 9.95kg
Selena 13.95kg
Gani 14kg
Calliope 13.95kg
Ships Locker 85kg

Imperuim/Dark Nebula ship stats; (might not be right)
Ship Type: SC
Ship Sillhouette
Beam Factor: 1
Missile Factor: 0
Screen Factor: 1
Maintenance Number: 1

Belter (game) ship stats:
Scout ship, Type S
2G Variable Thrust Fusion Engine
Fuel Cost/Capacity
1 Laser
8 Life Support
Maintenance Cost ?
Ship Cost ?

Ship Data Card

IISS Zia Sun (Sulieman class Type S)
1. M-Drive (A, 2g) Model 1bis
2. J-Drive (A, Jump-2) CPU:4
3. Power Plant (A) Storage:0
4. Fuel (40)
5. Hold (3 tons, plus Air/Raft)
6. Bridge (Pilot-2)

T-1 Pulse Laser

1-Maneuver 1-Auto/Evand
1-Jump1 1-Return Fire
2-Jump2 1-Target
1-Navigate 1-Predict 1
2-Predict 2

Ships Locker:
Metal Work Tool Set 50kg Cr1500
Mechanical Tool Set 20 kg Cr1000
Electronic Tool Set 5kg Cr2000
Medical Kit 10kg Cr1000
Medical Drug 6 Drugs Cr600

I've got to do a paragraph for each of the PC's for there history, and there are some little things, where it says (?). I'm also looking at all the Yorbund stuff. I'm probably going to ignore what GT has to say about it, cause it seems to contradect CT's Yorbund. But maybe not, I haven't read that stuff in a while.

Dan Roseberry plop101
from Employee 2-4601
If you're running Shadows, feel free to check out this speculative thread about the (dead?) alien race mentioned in the adventure.
Yeah, I've seen similar threads back in the TML dazs. I think most often that they came Coreward heading away from the galaxy.
Employee 2-4601 asks:
So, have you played the adventure yet? If so, how did it come out?
Not yet. Mostly its an excersize in keeping the Brain active (see Brain Tumor posts in Random Static).

At the moment:
1. Need a good name for the government of the Chinese side in "DOUBLE STAR" (IMTU, this is in this universe) Its somewhere out there in the old "Dark Nebula" secter. Why do "Double
Star"; it will be for Ms Lins biography.

2. Doing a IMTU TML mini-Land Grand

3. PC/NPCs small paragraph.
1. Mr Grey of New Mexico.
Found some time ago between
the ruins of the Old Roswel arcoligy
and the Clovis Arcoligy.
2. Ms Lin: The usual mystery women.
3. Army Captain:
4. Ms Amaru: Wishes to becomr a Docter.
5. Ms Green: An eccentric Martian mad
scientist wanabe.

4. For Scout ship, "Belters" maintenance and
ship cost vs CT cost.

Plop101/Dan Roseberry.
Originally posted by plop101:

1. Need a good name for the government of the Chinese side in "DOUBLE STAR" (IMTU, this is in this universe) Its somewhere out there in the old "Dark Nebula" secter. Why do "Double
Star"; it will be for Ms Lins biography.

I'm not familiar with the Double Star game; which kind of a government is it? Traditional emperor? Maoist? "Wise men"? State-capitalist strong-state (as IRL or as is the Firefly "Alliance")?