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My Traveller Website

Your headline sector has more troubles than mine!

I think that anyplace can be gotten to with a J-3 drive in mine, though a J-4 would be useful.

I hand created it for a post-Armageddon TU for my next game.
Nice site, esp love the shipyard. It's also nice to have a document of the sig codes you see often enough in people's sig.
Heh heh!

Actually, it's a very well known chunk of space, with all worlds removed except for the worlds on Xboat routes.

I created my own, designed to be a place where a j3 trader is a necessity if you want to trade among the different polities. And guns are useful if you want to keep your ship.
Here is Farway (Tsadra) made from Travellermap, what I can see from right off:

1. Hi pop A starport worlds are relatively rare.

2. Luminosity seems all set at 0.

Also re luminosity, what is the +/- for? Also there are binaries and trinaries in parenthesis as well as some odd things such as BD (Brown Dwarf?)


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Wow, that's a dense sector.

Yes, I don't determine the full spectral class, yet, so they default to '0', but they're really indeterminate values.

'BD' is Brown Dwarf.
Parentheses group a star with a binary companion.
A minus sign marks a star in an orbit relatively close to the primary.
A plus sign marks a star extremely far from the primary.

This looks better, though I'd have to surf a bit to see if it matches the definition, I sort of like a mix of both scattered and sparse.


Much nicer, I think.

By the way, I have a new, fast algorithm to replace the current one. Joshua and I found one which is sufficient, small, fast, and easily ported. Your map will change.