Most of these are from non-canonical sources:
Sprinter fast freighter - Encounters in the Phoenix Quadrant
Fedora merchant - Encounters in the Ventura Quadrant
Leander modular cargo ship - ISCV Leander
Girl merchant - Gryphon #4
Avian far trader - Merchants and Merchandise
Heyan Rose freight tractor - IISS Ship Files
Maru merchant - Adventure Class Ships Vol. 1
Star armored merchant - High Passage #3
Alexandria free trader - Adventure Class Ships Vol. 2
Trader provincial transport - Merchant Class Ships
Triad merchant - "
Magnadon provincial merchant - "
Seeker armored merchant - "
Iris armored packet - "
March Harrier subsidized merchant - The Traveller Adventure
Dakaar freighter - The Drenslaar Quest
Silver Wolf subsidized merchant - White Dwarf #65
Ghent subsidized merchant - The Spinward Marches Campaign
Mora freighter - "
Prosperity freighter - Alien Realms
Providence bulk cargo carrier - Letters of Marque
Nymph provincial merchant - "
I've left out the unpronounceable non-human ships.
March Harrier is the only famous one.