Hello Folks,
Regards to the point about pirate hunting...
Without specifics to work off of - and a total lack of familiarity with D20 other than the fact it is presumably based on CT (how's that for hedging?

All this is based on GURPS TRAVELLER with given sensor ranges etc...
Any task force that has to go up against pirates has to take into account a few things:
1) A pirate ain't a pirate unless he's actively engaged in piracy. This leaves the Navy in a semi-responsive mode.
2) a solitary pirate is likely going to be one that can be handled relatively easily - that is to say, that you can ambush him on the basis of having more assets on the scene than he does. Add into the mixture that it is unlikely the pirate has military grade sensors and you find the military has an edge of sorts.
3) a group of pirates on the other hand, are going to be a little harder to ambush - as they will likely set it up such that they have multiple sensor platforms out in their area of operations.
Here is the kind of anti-piracy task group I'd pick and why:
CVE - carrying 3 fighter groups. Such a ship would be helpful in scouring a region and using the fighters in a "picket" mode. Of those 30 fighters, 4 of them would be hard to detect sensor platforms designed to get in close to an enemy without being spotted. In GURPS terms, they'd be Radically stealthed and cloaked with a small "signature".
DD x 2 - Heavier Warships designed to go head to head with pirate ships. These ships should be designed with enough laser turrets to take out normal missile swarms. In GURPS, I'd arm them with some bay weapons as well as a few heavy laser turrets. The reason for this is to be able to smack at the enemy while he himself is likely limited to ligher weight weapons. If he's not limited to lighter weight weapons - you've at least got "parity" with them.
DE x 8 to 12:
These are going to be your workhorses. Vietnam illustrated one major fact (other nations have learned this lesson with other battles - but this is to illustrate a point). You can't engage a foe who refuses to engage you. If you keep your forces bunched up - your enemy can just go where you are not. The only way to engage your enemy is to find your enemy and engage him as best as you are able with resources at hand.
Here is a question for you: Why are you sending a task force against pirates? Are you sending them against a known base? Are you sending the task force to a region that has had multiple incidents of piracy (after they've happened)?
Some have mentioned the prospect of "luring" a pirate into exposing himself by having a nice big juicy target just where he can have it. I've got a few theories on that and I'll float it past you (in another post of course)