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Need event summary of 5th Frontier War


SOC-14 1K
hi all,

Can someone direct me to a post or quick-n-dirty summary of the events of the Fifth Frontier War circa 1107?

I run a Solomani Rim campaign, but the current year is now 1107. Most of the PCs are resident Solomani or mixed-Human (some of Imperial allegiance, but a couple in the group are beady-eyed jack-booted Confederation-loyal fascists, who will not hesitate to report their fellow adventurers to SolSec just to make a few extra credits! :D )

One character is actually an Imperial Scout, who was originally born in the Spinward Marches (as a child), but since his childhood, family has relocated to the Rim. He misses his native Spinward Marches of his childhood and is now curious as to why the hell the Zhodani are invading his home sector.

The news feeds arriving in the Rim are at least 1-2 months old (or more!), but I still need to occasionally post TAS News such as "Jewell has fallen to the Zhodani 9th Echelon Fleet! Jewell is lost!" The more sensational the news, the better.

Of course, I'd also post local commentary such as:

Solomani Party Vice-Chairman Desjardines was quoted as saying that the Zhodani invasion of the Spinward Marches is "welcome news, and will hopefully help to liberate those poor helpless inhabitants of the Marches from the oppression of the Imperial regime. May our Zhodani cousins succeed in their noble struggle to remove Imperial corruption and decadence in the Marches!"

For the rest of the party, they really couldn't care less if the Zhos nuked Regina. Especially, the Solomani Confederationists, they are actually rooting for the Zhodani to win this war, and hoping that the Imperium gets its butt kicked.

So a short summary of the major events during the Fifth Frontier War would be welcome.
Hmmm I used to have all of the old TAS News Bulletins available which should cover a lot of what you want. Lemme see if I can find the script and files and get it working again.