I'm both kind of exciting and a little apprehensive about this upcoming release. I hope no one takes this the wrong way but, one of the things that I really liked about the original 2300AD was that it wasn't Traveller. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed Traveller when it was originally released, but to me some of the stuff I liked alot about 2300AD was that it handled character generation and even characteristics differently than the old Traveller UPP. And eventhough rolling up a character in 2300AD could be confusing and cumbersome, I still liked how all the bits of the way the Characters get developed was pulled together. Specifically, if I had a Core world character there would be differences than if I had a Frontier character. Similarly, some skills were easier for a Core character to get than a Frontier one and vice versa.
As such, I'm a little apprehensive about how being melded into Mongoose Traveller might impact that part of the game.
On the flip side though, the original ship design stuff from 2300AD did seem a bit too convoluted and confusing so I'm hopeful that the new version might help improve the game in this area.