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New Campaign Starting In Portland, Oregon


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
I'm starting a new campaign here in Portland. I'll use the CT rules for a non-canon universe that started in 1977 and has continued ever since, but if more players will prefer Mongoose rules I'll use those with some minor house-ruling to make a fast conversion. Old school sword n' blaster space opera, with just enough hard sci-fi to keep it reasonably realistic in a Traveller sort of way.

Ideally I'd like a minimum of four players, but there is no maximum (I'm used to running groups up to 15+ in this and other games so the more the merrier as far as I'm concerned). Anyone who wants to play, and of any experience, can. I don't have a wiki for the campaign, but have a stacks of DVD's with the player files updated on them regularly that I give out so everyone has plenty of material to get started with.

I plan on meeting for sessions at least 2x a month, but am flexible with more often, and/or varying days for the majority's schedules. We'll get together as soon as I get at least four to play and we can add more as we go. I will make the start announcement here as soon as I have the players and place set up - probably between Sept 21 and the end of the month since I have a model show to go to on the 20th and no time for games till after that.

I'm looking at Guardian Games (http://www.ggportland.com/) for the location - my model club meets there upstairs in a private room that we might use, or downstairs with the rest of the mob - it will depend on the age of the players, and how many there are.

If anyone wants to play from here and PM's me for it I can send some of the background materials your way in advance.
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OK...well, in case anyone in the Portland, Oregon area wants to play Classic (with some injections of Mongoose and contamination from years of house ruling and stray mods) Traveller the game is gong to be at:

Guardian Games

Oct 3rd @ 6:00-10:00

4 players minimum, preferably 6, but I'll wrangle more space if needed. Anyone can play, any age welcome. Mongoose chargen is ok with me for the players, but CT Merchant Prince chargen is dang abusive so it isn't allowed.

I will be handing out player discs with the campaign files, maps, houserules, and the like.