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New Campaign

Sir Brad

starting a new Scout/troubleshooter campaign soon (bit of a change for me as I normally run Mercs, Merchant/Freebooter or strait Troubleshooter campaigns)

anyway I'm basing it in the Regina Sub-Sector and using a cut down A-00 "Imperial Fringe" as the jump off point, I plan to send them strait on to A-01 Kinunir or Amber Zone Heya as their first adventure (and have them fall backwards in to "Shadows" along the way), looking for other adventures to slot in, the PC's are working off of a Type-S and only one character has any Ship skills.
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Hiya Sir Brad,

I'm not sure what reference materials you have, but just using CT canon there are a ton of adventures and ideas. A lot of the Double Adventures would work (if they already aren't for the Scout/Courier, they could be modified). 76 Patrons has a bunch - Lady In White Robes is a basic damsel in distress adventure hook. Some of the single Adventures might not be modifiable - especially if they are ship specific like Safari Ship (but you can always get ideas from reading the adventure).

Hope that helps
If you have access to the early print JTAS issues, in whatever form, there are some Amber Zones which either happen in Regina or are readily adaptable to play there.

Double Adventure 3, Death Station can be sited just about anywhere. I've always liked Adventure 11 Murder on Arcturus Station as well but it will take a little bit of work to alter the setting and back stories of the NPCs to transplant it from the Solomani Rim to the Marches. (Not so much work that it'll be a major chore, at least in my opinion).

Depending on your interests and access to it, you might also want to look at the Alien Realms module and some of the Vargr and Zhodani adventures there. With a little but of in-game justification, I don't see any reason why a Scout team can't be sent across the border for some reason.
ATM I have about a third of JTAS, and have all three JTAS Reprint books currently in the post, I've got all the Modules and Adventueres from GDW, FASA & Game Lords (Most in Dead Tree but all on CD), in Storage with a friend interstate I've got a bunch of High Passage and the other Mag that FASA put out.

As I said I'm running Imperial Fringe as the campaign push, but I'm modifying it to only cover the Sub Sector and giving a Two to Five year deadline, I'm also reducing the payment schedule to 20K per world +5k for Amber and +5K for outside the Imperium (except the Reds that stay 100K) with a Completion bonus of an other 20K.

the Party is a Scout (Mostly Ship skills), a Hunter (with one term Enlisted Army, all Feildcraft or Combat Skills) and a Rouge.
You should consider getting a subscription to JTAS Online. It'll cost you $20 for 150 articles over the next two years plus access to the archives with currently 1198 articles. 110 of them are amber zones and 84 are short adventures. Not all of them, or even most, are adaptable to a Scout campaign in Regina, of course, but quite a few of them are. In addition there are writeups of beasts, people, and worlds, plus maps and deck plans and other interesting stuff. If just 1 in 10 is of interest to you, you'll be paying 33 cents per useful article. Highly recommended.


PS. Welcome to CotI.
Just remembered that I tried to do a campaign in this subsector a while back (I might start working on that again). Here are the adventures I've found that take place in the Regina subsector. I can't remember which one it is that just starts there and goes on to another subsector (also I think I just put Regina as a starting point for one - it's not the same as the adventure). Don't forget you've got Forboldn (1808) which is an Imperial Core Colony and Festival on Rethe (2408) plus a couple of Amber and Red Zones that you can work up and throw at the players.

Alell (1706)
Exit Visa

Keng (2405)
Annic Nova (Double Adventure 1)

Regina (1910)
The Imperial Fringe (Introductory Adventure)
The Kinunir (Adventure 1)
Twilight's Peak (Adventure 3)
Secret of the Ancients (Adventure 12)

Uakye (1805)
A Plague of Perruques (Double Adventure 7)
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I ran an active duty IISS campaign back when dinosaurs rules the Earth and recycled many of the classic Adventures and Double Adventures for it. GDW took care to make those products very malleable.

In my campaign, I rolled up a dozen or so IISS characters from LBB:6. The characters had each served varying numbers of terms and all were still on active duty in the IISS. My players sorted through the pile and selected a character that took their fancy. I allowed some customization by giving them points they could spend on skills, skill levels, and stats. IIRC, I only allowed a skill or stat to be improved by one level and only allowed any new skill to be level 1. Back stories were entirely the players lookout and one, the crew's commander, came up with a back story that provided me with the campaign's goal.

I then put the players through an 18 month tour aboard the usual Suleiman scout/courier. The location was the Trin's Veil subsector, although they did visit a few worlds in Glisten. I mixed up the classic adventures with home-made stuff with what, I feel, was good effect.

Tried to mix an Advanced Generation Scout with what are two Sup 4 Characters, the ability imbalance was too great so I cooked up an enhanced basic character rule set.

I'm focusing the Campaign in Regina, but I'm looking to mount some expositions to adjoining Sub-sectors.

Due to Time constraints and the fact the game may fall through, I don't want to have to put in too much work on Non Character or Meta Arc elements of the game to start with (although I have six Home Brew adventures on the cook already), I'm looking for mostly just out of the box stuff to act as a starter and Filler for further down the track.
I'm focusing the Campaign in Regina, but I'm looking to mount some expositions to adjoining Sub-sectors.

Here's the Tags for the adjoining subsectors:

Jewell. The new Tripwire book is the biggie.

Vilis. A few short bits.

Lanth. A pretty wide variety of short adventures, a few of which center on the Abyss Rift.

Rhylanor. TA2 & TA3 classics, plus a few more.

Aramis. Home of the other megacampaign, The Traveller Adventure, plus Tree Rats and a few other shorts.
MegaTraveller brought basic characters right close to Advanced Characters (In MT, called Enhanced Characters) by adding special duty.
I think my threads have become crossed, I think folks are starting to refer to my Expanded Characters Topic. Some of my results where a touch different than the "What are the Odds" article in JTAS #23, due to a lower rate of commission for Navy and Marine Characters, the Special Duty roll netted them around a 60% increase in Skills earnt, Army and Merchants only got about a 30-40% increase in skills and Scouts & Others got 45% & 50% respective increases. the tendency for Merchant Player Characters to take SD rolls as Benefits will help deflate the Skills Bloating most merchants can potentially earn over their naturally long careers.

We now return you our original program with the character profiles

Leata Boreman 7A9785
3 term Scout
Pilot 2, Survey 2, Air/Raft 1, Engineering 1, Gunnery 1, Jack-O-T 1, Navigation 1, SMG 1, Brawling 0, Computer 0, Gun Combat 0, Melee Weapon 0, Vacc Suit 0.

Scout Ship

Female, 168cm, 69kg, short dark chestnut hair, hazel eyes, tan skin, slender/athletic build.

Leata just passed her University entrance exams on her homeworld, but failed to achieve Test scores that would have earned he a scholarship, with no family money to pay for higher education she instead enlisted in Imperial Service, opting out of the Military as she did not wish to subject her self to the required Discipline she chose the Scout service she spent most of her time in the Survey branch (where she was very active) with a few short stints in the Exploration branch, After twelve years in the service she has opted to take a Detached Duty Rotation.

Eve Quatermaine AB9888
1 term Army Enlisted, 2 terms Hunter

Combat Rifleman 3, Hunting 3, Recon 2, Survival 2, Blade 1, Brawling 0, Computer 0, Gun Combat 0, Melee Weapon 0, Vacc Suit 0.


Female, 210cm, 80kg, long blond hair, grey eyes, tan skin, statuesque/athletic build.

Eve joined the Army strait from secondary education, she was turned down for a place at the Academy and later OCS, but was immediately recruited in to the Sniper/Recon program where she quickly excelled only to see others from her Training group quickly placed to NCO College or OCS, where she faced long deployments and many special missions and only achieved Lance Corporal just before she was RIF'ed to Active Reserve status, their she was assigned to Reserve Special Forces and given a two rank promotion to Lance Sergeant, unfortunately it took her a further eight years to make Full Sergent, She is now on Inactive Reserve Status.
In her Civilian job she joined Regina Expeditions as where she worked as an Expedition Guide and Security Specialist until she recreantly left the company to seek other work.

The other player has not submitted the finale draft of their Character (closing date this Friday), Character "Shopping Trip" on that same date.
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and the last of the Characters was submited just inside the 19:00 hours (local time) deadline.

Lauren Dern 887AAD (B)

Streetwise 2, Air/Raft 1, Bawling 1, Bribery 1, Carousing 1, Gambling 1, Handgun 1, Liaison 1, Small Blade 1, Brawling 0, Computer 0, Gun Combat 0, Melee Weapon 0, Vacc Suit 0.

Travellers' Aid
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Well All is going well with the Campaign, their Burning through the Adventures I have on tap fairly quick.

An other group of Friends has got me running an other game on alternative time slots, this one I setting post 5FW and it's Sword Worlds, after the first character when Patrol, the 2nd ended up a Swordie when he decided to roll background.

the 2nd campaign has bean fun for me to run, it started out as normal Free Traded fair, but due to some Random Rolls on the Trade Tables and Patrons the party has fell back wards in to being Agents for the Sword Worlds after they got involved with some Currency Smuggling, Commodities Fraud, Doubling of a 3I Intel network and an other few odd jobs along the Economic Warfare lines, the Ship owner will soon be able to pay off 10 years of the 20 remaining of his Ship payments thanks to some not so speculative trading