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New Coalition World Names

As my campaign progresses the Coalition is adding more worlds each year. As there is a tradition of re-naming world after sun deities and symbols, I was wondering what new names people came up with in their campaigns.

Or, if they didn't, what would they suggest?

Some ideas so far; Lugh, Ameterasu, Garuda, Freyr, Inti, Liza, Huitzilopochtli. (not mad on the last one. Hard to fit on a map and I can barely say it)
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Here are some more:

Often there is a male and female form (if both exist, I have listed the male form first) if only one exists, I have tried to identify the gender if known.

Sehul (Sanskrit IndoEuropean)
Svar or Surya (Hindu)
Helios or Helen (Greek)
Sol (Old Norse and Latin - male)
Sigel or Sunna (Old English)
Sun (Modern English)
Zorya or Zaria(Russian)
Deill (Albanian)
Saule (Lithuania, Latvia - female)
Paike (Estonian - female)
Dylan (Welsh)

Hope that helps.