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New Fat Trader, Fat Corsair, updated website



I've updated my web site and added two new sets of deckplans: a Type R Subsidised Merchant (aka Fat Trader); and a Q-ship version: the Type RQ Commerce Raider (aka Fat Corsair). Fat Tony will probably drop in next. :D

I also consolidated the Manta deckplans and the Type T Patrol Cruiser deckplans so each now prints out on a single sheet if you set whatever graphics program you're using to fit-to-page. And I flipped the mid-section of the Scout ship so that the airlock is now on the traditional (port) side.

Also, I changed all the files to PNGs (smaller file size than GIFs). If anyone has trouble viewing PNGs, please let me know and I'll put some GIFs back up.

The Type R is another one of those problematic CT deckplans. It's either about 100 dtons too small (with a single deck high cargo bay) or it's too big (with a high cargo deck). Looking at the bow view it's clear that the cargo bay was intended to be two decks high.

My biggest problem with the CT design has always been the total lack of security (Hijack me, PLEASE!). The lack of decent access between the upper and lower decks was annoying, too. So I did something about it. Let me know, please, if you like the results.

For the corsair the isolated passenger area becomes the perfect place to keep all that half-civilized cannon fodder. Beefed up the life support, installed triple bunks in the staterooms, and twenty-four bodies are ready for boarding actions. Added a second launch in the bow, armed both launches and beefed up their drives, bumped the ship's drives up as well, added a couple of pop-turrets behind the port and starboard cargo doors, and there's a nasty surprise for the next merchant jumping in-system.

High Guard stats are on both sheets.


BTW check out Peter Vernon's site while you're over there if you haven't already. http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/peter/
Originally posted by Father Fletch:
Tanuki, Great stuff!

Geez this place is quiet. Where did everybody go?
Its always a great pleasure and a hoot to look at your new stuff...I keep printing out your designs...and "fly" them!!!!!...neat modular goodies!!! :cool:
Thanks, guys. :cool:

Hey, TJ -- whatever happened to that project you and Rabid Vargr wanted me to help out with? You never gave me any details.
I remember that!!!....that was before this lousy S*** WAR....had to put everthing on hold....now cant find the "old" Rabid Vargr dog!!...havent spoken to him in long time.....here doggie, doggie, doggie...over here boy!!!! ;)
Originally posted by Tanuki:

The Type R is another one of those problematic CT deckplans. It's either about 100 dtons too small (with a single deck high cargo bay) or it's too big (with a high cargo deck). Looking at the bow view it's clear that the cargo bay was intended to be two decks high.
At least one of the early appearances of the Type R explicitly stated that the cargo deck is double-high. Our counts must be divergent, though, as I generally considered it to be plenty close to its stated volume...

These designs are fantastic, especially the "Avian" class ships.

Makes me want to dust off my copy of CC2 and give it a go myself. The lack of talent however prevents this.

Keep up the great work, my players love you for it.
Originally posted by A'Rark:

These designs are fantastic, especially the "Avian" class ships.

Makes me want to dust off my copy of CC2 and give it a go myself. The lack of talent however prevents this.

Keep up the great work, my players love you for it.
Thank you
Great stuff, except Peter's website has misjumped into the void...

Any chance his site is in another webzone?

Can you provide a link?
