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New MgT2 adventures for sale on DriveThruRPG


For any and all who are interested, I have authored and posted a couple of Trojan Reach adventures for sale on DriveThruRPG:

The Tktk Convergence: The travellers are summoned to the seemingly insignificant world of Tktk in Trojan Reach sector to investigate a possible Ancients site. They engage with the academic community at the site, participate in an archaeological dig, and become acquainted with the planet's variant chirper species, the tktks. But something terrible is happening on Tktk and by the time the travellers realize what it is, it might just be too late for them!

Available at http://drivethrurpg.com/product/233587/ ... onvergence

Iron Spine: The travellers have been asked to do the unthinkable: Jump into the hostile space of the Glorious Empire and rescue a team of kidnapped scientists. The Empire is an extremist branch of the alien Aslan who practice slavery and are in dire need of technically skilled people. It will be extremely difficult for the travellers to get into the Empire to perform this daring job, but once they're in, will they be able to get out alive?

Available at http://drivethrurpg.com/product/233588/Iron-Spine

SPOILER ALERT! DON'T READ THE FOLLOWING IF YOU'RE A PLAYER! *********** "Iron Spine" is the sequel to "The Tktk Convergence." Hopefully I'll get the chance to add a third chapter and make it a complete trilogy.

These adventures are designed with MgT2 in mind but can easily be adapted to any system.

Both of these adventures occur along the Sindalian Main and can be inserted into any Trojan Reach or Pirates of Drinax campaign with relative ease. Each is available for the bargain price of only $3! Both adventures are presented in PDF format, using the templates provided for the Traveller's Aid Society program and they include world maps, extended system statistics, new starships, and interesting NPC profiles to insert into your stories. Feedback is always welcome. I plan on publishing more, so your input will be greatly appreciated.
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