I do JSON in 2.5 (I like it way better than XML), and I will import from the future if I really have to use something. I grew up without With, and I prefer using the regular Python method. If I download something with With in it, I'll quickly change it over if I think about it.
I like to write code. The new Python has less for me to code, because everything comes in LIB now as a function. There's a Python function for just about everything now. And I'm not a Functional Programming. Never want to be one. I'm a Procedural Programmer. I like using loops, and iterate things, and count things, and point at things, and sort things. Python 3.4+ can do all that for me, reducing me to just a scripter and not a programmer. Most people call themselves Developers these days.
Maybe one day, I'm go for all the shortcuts that Python offers. But someone else's code is doing all the work for me. It's bad enough, when I think about it, that Python (CPython) is really just code written in C that I'm making calls to. So someone else did all the heavy lighting already for me, so I can just plunk down a .py script to run their code with.