Weird, I'm almost positive I saw these exact responses before, months ago, and even replied to them at the time... but here they are showing up today.
As for the idea of porting to Roll20: Not easily, as it's tied to the user interface and internal data storage mechanisms from Foundry, uses Foundry rolltables, Foundry compendiums, etc. Some of the actual game logic could be copied over but for the most part it would be a complete rewrite. (Even worse for FG since that uses a different scripting language entirely.)
I'm still gradually working on this but there's been a relative lack of un-interrupted free time to make much progress. I've ended up doing a lot of tinkering with what it outputs to the chat window and modifying it so that the GM can allow a player who owns a ship actor to use the tool as well. Foundry v12 has been released so I also need to run through the existing code and make sure there are no changes needed.