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Newbie Questions

I've probably missed some obvious things but I have a few questions I hope someone will be kind enough to answer.

1) I don't understand the Jury Rig Feat (p.106) or the Miracle Worker Feat (p.107). Both talk about RP requirements. I'm assuming that RP is refering to battlefield repairs covered on p. 169. It doesn't make sense to me. Take the Miracle Worker Feat for example. If my Jump drive has been reduced by 1 in combat, does that mean that to use the Miracle Worker Feat, the DC for the repair is 22-40 which would be a negative DC and therefore automatic? I'm very confused.

2)I don't understand how a referee knows that a character needs surgery. As far as I understand there is not a set of rules covering where an injury is located on the body and whether it is a fracture, or whether a bullet is embedded, etc. (see p.217). Can someone explain this to me? Am I missing some rules (I have the StarWars D20 game and DnD 3e.)

3)On p.278 there is an entry about weapon batteries. The book describes a scenario with 80 batteries of 1 turret having an attack bonus of +1, 40 batteries of 2 turrets at +4 etc. Where do these number come from? Can someone explain how batteries are supposed to work.

I apologize in advance if I've missed some obvious stuff but I would sure appreciate some mentoring.
Originally posted by cerebrolator:
I've probably missed some obvious things but I have a few questions I hope someone will be kind enough to answer.

Hopefully we can help you out. And don't ever worry about asking a question in case it seems silly, 'cause lord knows we've all asked our fair share. As it happens, none of these questions are silly at all.

1) I don't understand the Jury Rig Feat (p.106) or the Miracle Worker Feat (p.107). Both talk about RP requirements.

RPs aren't in the rules (IIRC, they were dropped). Just play it by ear, and use the guidelines for repairs on pages 168 and 169.

2)I don't understand how a referee knows that a character needs surgery.

This is very much a judgement call. My rule of thumb is any single wound that does more than 50% of your Lifeblood in one hit, or any bullet wound of more than a few points when you are unarmoured needs surgery to heal properly (half healing rate otherwise). Any time you go below zero Lifeblood form injury (not poison, suffocation, etc) you need surgery otherwise you heal at rate 1 only.

Note that these are just my own rough guidelines and aren't rules or official. I tend to use common sense and go for a 'real feel'.

3)On p.278 there is an entry about weapon batteries <...snip...> Can someone explain how batteries are supposed to work.

This comes from the table at the top of page 272. A normal triple beam laser turret has 3 lasers in it. Looking at beam laser, and across the column market "USP = # Required Installed" we see that 3 weapons gives USP 3 (go across from beam laser until we get to 3, then up to see the USP). Each lone turret is a battery by itself. So 80 batteries each have USP 3, which is +3 attack.

40 batteries of 2 turrets have 6 weapons each battery (2 turrets of 3). Looking across beam laser we go to 6, then up to USP 4.

16 batteries of 5 turrets have 15 weapons each (5 turrets of 3). Again, across to 15, look up for +6.

And so on. If you have a number that is not on the beam laser row, use the next USP down - so 8 weapons (say 4 turrets of 2) would have USP 4 (too few for USP 5).

The column on the table marked "+1 TL mod" is the tech level of the weapons needed to increase the USP by 1 for the tech level. Likewise if it is at the "+2 TL Mod" level it is at +2 USP (not cumulative with the +1).

Did that make sense?

I apologize in advance if I've missed some obvious stuff but I would sure appreciate some mentoring.

Don't apologise! We all like to help.

Oh, and welcome to the boards! And watch out for that Devlin guy, he'll try and make a heretic of you... ;)

Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm sure that I'll feel comfortable asking more questions after being received so well.

In fact, I have a question but it doesn't really deal with the rules. I hope it isn't inappropriate to post it here. My question is where I can find online resources about the Imperium. I don't even know where the capital is and I don't understand what domains are, etc.

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Shane, I *heard* that! ;)

And yes, Cerebrolator, welcome to CoTI! :cool: :D
Originally posted by cerebrolator:

In fact, I have a question but it doesn't really deal with the rules. I hope it isn't inappropriate to post it here. My question is where I can find online resources about the Imperium. I don't even know where the capital is and I don't understand what domains are, etc.

There is quite a bit of information from the original traveller. Available at www.travellerrpg.com under Classic Traveller. The answer to most of your questions is available is availiable in the Second Survey, which has not been reprinted yet. Currently, some of that information is in the Classic Supplements 1-13, which is in print. I am sure I will be corrected quickly if I am wrong but I believe the Imperium's capital is Capital.

Evening cerebrolator,

I join the crowd in welcoming you to the CotI boards and the universes of Traveller. Yes, I said universes since there are several variants that use the Classic Traveller Universe with slightly different timelines and rules. With that said there are a multitude of sites dealing with various sectors in the Traveller universe and most of the varinats. The variants, at least the ones I can recall right now, include T20, Marc Miller's Traveller (also called T4 I believe), MegaTraveller, GURPS Traveller, Traveller the New Era, and Traveller 2300 AD.
Okay here are a couple of more sites for you to checkout:


Another way to find Traveller sites is to use a search engine (Google, dogpile, and many others) and then sift through to the ones you want.

Hope the above helps a little.

Originally posted by cerebrolator:
Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm sure that I'll feel comfortable asking more questions after being received so well.

In fact, I have a question but it doesn't really deal with the rules. I hope it isn't inappropriate to post it here. My question is where I can find online resources about the Imperium. I don't even know where the capital is and I don't understand what domains are, etc.

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Shane, I *heard* that! ;)

And yes, Cerebrolator, welcome to CoTI! :cool: :D
Originally posted by cerebrolator:
Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm sure that I'll feel comfortable asking more questions after being received so well.
well... we don't bite

In fact, I have a question but it doesn't really deal with the rules. I hope it isn't inappropriate to post it here. My question is where I can find online resources about the Imperium. I don't even know where the capital is and I don't understand what domains are, etc.

As a primer on Traveller background, you can get the "Supplement Reprints" ( http://www.orderitnow.com/cgi-bin/view.pl?vendor=GRIP&action=search&query=FFE002&s=t )
or (if you can't find the above) GURPS Traveller (half the book is background/library data. Incidentally, GURPS Travellers books are good for background, they are rather rule light)

Also, just getting around this site and lurking a bit can be quite insightfull