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Independence Games

SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
A few quick notes of news about future product releases.

1> A Fifth of 21 Plots has been uploaded to the usual sales locations. It will be released on Friday. As usual, I will likely open it for sales sometime Thursday evening.

2> Career Catalog is currently halfway through the writing phase. It will contain 21 (there's that number again....) career paths as well as bring back a "points buy" character generation method. I'm hoping to get this out in late June.

3> A Poor Chisel is a campaign adventure which I am currently writing. I don't want to give out too many details but I'm hoping to have it out later in the Summer. The Career Catalog captured my attention away from it but A Poor Chisel is still on the way.

4> Wendy's Guide to the Fleets of Franklin Subsector is in the early stages of development. Michael Johnson and I are currently planning it out. More on this later. Expect to see this in a July-August timeframe.

5> The print version of The Slide is currently with the printers. There seems to have been a bit of a hold-up but hopefully, that will get moving sooner rather than later.

6> Print versions of Hub Federation Ground Forces and The Cascadia Adventures are in early production.

And, of course, we're settling in to this new forum. Feel free to ask questions or just say hello.
Just wanted to drop in a quick note to say that the print proof for The Slide is on the way to GKG HQ from the printers.

Hub Federation Ground Forces should be heading to the printers soon followed by The Cascadia Adventures.
Just wanted to drop in a quick heads-up that both Hub Federation Ground Forces and The Cascadia Adventures have been submitted to the printer. Hopefully, the process will not be delayed as The Slide was.
Another print product update today. Received an email this morning that the print proofs for Hub Federation Ground Forces and The Cascadia Adventures are on the way to GKG headquarters. So it appears that the printers are back on track after the delay with The Slide.

I'm expecting the proof for The Slide to arrive as early as this afternoon or as late as Friday. As soon as I get it and have a chance to make sure it is error free, I will post it for sale.
Hi everyone! Just wanted to drop in a few items of news from Gypsy Knights Games.

1> If you haven't gotten your copy of Wendy's Guide to the Fleets of Franklin Subsector, it is out there now in PDF form. Print version should be coming shortly. This is the third of a five book series detailing the naval assets of each of the systems in Clement Sector. You can pick up a copy here at DTRPG, RPGNow, and Paizo.

2> Tree of Life: Altrants in Clement Sector is currently in the final stages of production. Writing and editing are finished and the art is coming in from Bradley Warnes, Jennifer Leonard, and Stephanie McAlea. We're not 100% sure of the release date but it will be quite soon.

3> There's been a bit of a setback concerning "A Poor Chisel", the campaign book I've been writing. In short, I just didn't like how it was going. So we've backed up a bit on that and I intend to rework it a bit. It will still be coming but it seems that it will be much later than I originally intended.

4> Currently in the works is "21 Pirate Groups" which is currently slated for October and "Wendy's Guide to the Fleets of Sequoyah Subsector which you will likely see in November.

5> If you haven't seen this yet, Steve Attwood over at Alegis Downport has written an excellent review of "A Fifth of 21 Plots". You can check out Steve's review here: https://alegisdownport.wordpress.co...1-plots-review-and-loren-wiseman-kickstarter/

6> For those of you who have been wondering if we're going to be at TravellerCon as we usually do, I'm sorry to say that it is currently still up in the air. At present, it appears doubtful but we're still trying to work it out so that we can be there.

7> I can announce that we will be at Post-Apocalyption in Cleveland, Tennessee on November 11. We will be running games there and will have plenty of print books to sell. http://www.postapocalypticon.com/

We should have more announcements soon concerning upcoming products and conventions which we will be attending. Stay tuned!

Have a great weekend!
A few items of news from Gypsy Knights Games on this Sunday morning.

1> Our "Talk Like A Pirate Day" sale is running strong on Drive-thru RPG and will continue until 10am Eastern on September 20. The sale allows you to save 30% on all of our pirate and starship related PDFs such as Skull and Crossbones: Piracy in Clement Sector, the Ships of Clement Sector series, the Wendy's Guides, and The Anderson and Felix ship building rules.

2> Drive-thru RPG is also running their "September Settings Sale" and this will continue until September 30. This sale allows you to save 33% on the Clement Sector Core Setting Book (as well as four of the five subsector books, 21 Starport Places, and 21 Villains due to an error).

3> The print version of Wendy's Guide to the Fleets of Franklin Subsector has been submitted to the printers as of today. Hopefully, that means we'll have this book available in print sometime over the next couple of weeks.

4> After some months of uncertainty, we can now say that we will be attending TravellerCon! TravellerCon takes place in Lancaster, PA and will run from September 29 to October 1. We will be there meeting and greeting, having fun, and with tons of books to sell. If you love Traveller, this is the place for you. This year not only will Keith and Megan be putting together a great games day but also Marc Miller, the man himself, will be in attendance. Hopefully, we will see you there as well! http://www.travellercon-usa.com/

5> We will also be running games and selling books at Post-Apocalypticon in Cleveland, TN! Post-Apocalypticon takes place on November 11-12. This is a fantastic games day put on by the fine folks at Dicehead Games and Comics. We will be there all day on the 11th and look forward to seeing you there! http://www.postapocalypticon.com/

6> And we can now reveal that we will be returning to MystiCon in Roanoke, VA! This is one of my favorite conventions and is always great fun! The staff there does an outstanding job of running and assembling this convention which just gets bigger every year. Mysticon runs from February 23-25. http://mysticon-va.com/

Hope you have a great Sunday!

Hi everyone. I have a few items of news concerning Gypsy Knights Games.

1> If you haven't picked up Wendy's Guide to the Fleets of the Colonies, it is now available at DTRPG, RPGNow, Paizo, and Open Game Store.

2> Also, don't forget that you can pick up all five of the Wendy's Guides in the Wendy's Guide Bundle at DTRPG and RPGNow.

3> As you can see by the picture attached to this message, Manhunters: Bounty Hunters in Clement Sector is coming soon. If all continues to go smoothly, you will see this by the end of the month. The art you see there is by Bradley Warnes and Stephanie McAlea put the cover together for us.

4> I will be appearing as a guest at Mysticon 2018 in Roanoke, VA. The convention runs from Feb 23-25. If you're in the area, come out and see us! I'll be running two games at the convention and will be doing a few panels on RPGs. Usually this con sells out beforehand, so act quick!

You can find out more about Mysticon here: http://mysticon-va.com/

5> If you happen to be going to ConNooga in Chattanooga, TN on the weekend of February 23-25, our good friend Jeff Hopper will be there running some games including a Clement Sector game. Jump in if you can!

6> Michael Johnson, our resident starship guru, is currently working on a project to add more options to The Anderson & Felix Guide to Naval Architecture. While it is centered on Clement Sector, you'll find other options here as well which will add to any Cepheus Engine game or other 2d6 SF game. More on this soon.

7> Along those same lines, I'm currently deep into writing The CCA Guide to Exploration. This will not only be a guide to the Cascadia Colonization Authority and their methods but will also feature extended system generation rules for use with Clement Sector: The Rules or Cepheus Engine. More to come on this as well.

8> Lastly, we're in the final stages of re-working Grand Safari. Grand Safari, in case you don't know, was a Clement Sector adventure in which a group of hunters entered the wilds of Leonidas Sector (to spinward of Clement Sector). You'll see more on this soon as well.

Thanks for your time and thanks for your patronage!

A bit of GKG news for you this morning.

1> We've decided to extend our birthday sale until Monday morning at noon (Eastern). Some of you asked to have the sale extended over the weekend and, to be honest, that's probably what should have been done in the first place.

So remember that you can save 40% on all of our PDF books until Monday (Feb 19).

2> Manhunters: Bounty Hunters in Clement Sector will be released on March 2 in PDF. Manhunters (written by myself with art by Bradley Warnes, Stephanie McAlea, Jennifer Leonard, and Nicolas Raymond) will delve into the world of bounty hunters, thieftakers, skiptracers, altrant/uplift hunters, and more.

3> Steve Attwood over at Alegis Downport has posted his review of the last three Wendy's Guides. You can see what Steve had to say about our books at this link:


4> Next weekend (Feb 23-25), I will be a guest at Mysticon in Roanoke, VA. If you live in the area, come on out and say hello. I'll be running games, doing panels, and selling books. Mysticon is always a great convention and I'm looking forward to returning for our sixth year. You can find out more about Mysticon at this link: http://mysticon-va.com/

5> Also next weekend, our good friend Jeff Hopper will be at ConNooga in Chattanooga, TN running games (including Clement Sector). If you're in the area, come out and play!

Thanks for your time and I hope you have a great weekend!
A few bits of news this morning:

1>The print proof for for Wendy's Guide to the Fleets of The Colonies is en route to GKG HQ. Assuming all is well with the proof, the print version should be available in about a week (possibly less).

2>In related news, I'm in the process of sending away the print files for Manhunters to the printers. So, hopefully, that will also be in print soon as well.

3>Grand Safari 2nd Edition will be released on April 6. As usual with second edition books from GKG, I will be making the new version available for free to those of you who already purchased the original. The changes from the first edition to the second edition will be minor and I see no reason for you folks to pay more just because of some changes in stats and legal text.

4>I will be working on the layout of Optional Components, an expansion of the Anderson and Felix shipbuilding rules by Michael Johnson that will feature several new options to customize your ship projects.

5>I am in the midst of writing The Cascadia Colonization Authority Guide to Exploration. This will feature detailed advanced system generation rules for Clement Sector and The Cepheus Engine. It will also feature more details of the CCA, information about Tranquility Sector, and some other things that I think folks will enjoy.

Thanks for your time. Hope you're enjoying your day.