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Non RGPA rules


SOC-14 5K
Perhaps, what we can do get this started is to get a listing of the rules that govern these things. I have looked at the RPGA guidelines and I find them a tad restrictive for a smaller market that Traveller represents.

Does anyone know of other rules that exist out there? Might I suggest that the basis for these rules could be found in ACT Plus (a modified version of ACT). Yes, I know Marc has still to approve the project (and I know all the reasons for him stalling but let us keep polemics out it). And, the said property does belong to ComStar/Avenger. But, if we can get a paired down but highly realistic set rules out there with great illustrations for a nominal cost. That surely is step one. And, I can think of no better rules than ACT to embrace: "Traveller in all its versions".

But, I am open to examining other rule sets that may exist out there on the Internet.
Why bother with ACT when there are plenty of open source rulesets or stick to one of FFE's propriety mechanics, ie, CT, MT, TNE or T4.

Failing that a truly open source system such as EABA could be applied.
What ever rule set we use it will have to altered to fit the role that an online game would require.
And it would have to be universal and then most likely free so that all players of the game have the same system.
But none of the Traveller systems are free so we would have to talk with the parties who own said systems to see if an agreement could be reached.
ACT would fit the bill but as you have said that an issue.
great illustrations for a nominal cost.
By what are you defining "Nominal cost?" heres a clue, great illustrations are NEVER nominal unless some dedicated fans are lookimng to put that together.

Frankly, the idea of a living traveller strikes me as wildly fanciful, and the responses on the boards here ( or lack thereof, depending on viewpoint) on the subject only reinforce that- you'll die of old age before ever you get three Trav fans to agree on what system to use, much less pull it off.

And, typically, it will be wanted by the fans to be done on the cheap, for not much ( in other words, free) with minimal effort but maximum outside supervision. Meh.

<shrugs> cynical, sure, but realistic.