trader jim
SOC-14 1K
notice *** notice *** notice *** darnit guys
handguns-moonshine-chewing tobacco will not be tolerated at my traveller sessions ANY longer!! things are getting a little out of hand! i now have to patch the ceiling and walls of the game room. george will remain in the hosp till he gets his sight back. the carpet is turning brown and it squishes when you walk on it!! the police report ought to be good reading. my wife is P.O.ed. and what is that yellow stuff in/on my computer keyboard??
handguns-moonshine-chewing tobacco will not be tolerated at my traveller sessions ANY longer!! things are getting a little out of hand! i now have to patch the ceiling and walls of the game room. george will remain in the hosp till he gets his sight back. the carpet is turning brown and it squishes when you walk on it!! the police report ought to be good reading. my wife is P.O.ed. and what is that yellow stuff in/on my computer keyboard??