Given all of the above, especially the large number of ships stationed in the Depot system, I just don't find it plausible that Depot fell the way it did.
If you poke around the Traveller Map, there don't seem to be any nearby polities that could put the number of required capital ships into the line against Corridor - and for Corridor to fall in the given time, the Vargr would have just about had to all have been on maneuvers just outside the Imperium, going for a joyride or something.
Again, unless there are some human factions interested on it, be it to keep claiming orders don't arrive or are imposible to obbey (Norris) or to keep a flank less threatenned by the Vargr, instead of an organized IN fleet (Vland), or, of course, both of them...
I will make one more comment, and then shut up.
Look at the timing from the arrival of the Transfer Order on 221, and the Fleet Departure on 242. That is 21 days from the order arrival to departure. That is enough time to send couriers to everything within 4 to 6 parsecs of Fleet HQ. That is it. Now that means that the entire Corridor Fleet was either at the Fleet HQ or one jump away. Even if they are using some form of Faster-Than-Light communication, which is clearly not and never has been in canon, the farthest away any fleet elements can be from Fleet HQ is 3 jumps, unless you somehow shorten the jump time to significantly less that one 7 day week.
The Fleet was supposed to cover the entire sector. So they cover the entire sector by having everything at one location!! Put bluntly, the is beyond the bounds of total idiocy, even for some of the Imperium admirals.
Now, tell me again how the ENTIRE Corridor fleet leaves in 21 days.
Several points here, (and I hope you will not really sut up, as your posts are as welcome as anyone else's):
Remember that the Transfer Order was released to public on 221-1117, but it's likely to have been received (via j6 courriers) quite earlier, and even if not, when the assassination reached Depot it is likely Depot fleet began to take measures to concentrate and increase its readiness just in case.
(NOTE: The following points are fully dependent on my take about how Imperial Navy is organized and works).
As said in earlier posts, Corridor fleet is a dual mission one: to defend this vital zone and as reserve, mostly for troubles Behind the Claw.
This makes me think that, unlike other fleets, it is likely to keep a strong reserve in Depot, just in case it is needed elsewhere, as, again due to the communications time lag, it is likely to be needed ASAP when so called. If so, this part of the fleet, quite powerful on its own, is kept ready to jump for any hot spot at short notice, and 21 days does not seem a too short time span in this sense.
OTOH, its motball fleet is likely to be quite strong at this point, as it does not only have the usual mothballed fleet, but it's quite likely to also have several ships mothballed, either because they were damaged, obsolete or just not needed, at the end of FFW (remember, just about a decade before). Again, if this is correct, it is also likely that when the first news of trouble reached Depot, they began to refit some ships (or at least to prepare them for it), again just in case (the time lag for communications makes, IMHO, those preemtive measures quite likely).
According MT:RS, the first news of the assassination reached Depot about 260-1116. So, when the order arrives (221-1117) they have had some time to take some measures, probably concentrating the "mobile" fleet (I mean the one ready to march to any hot spot) and reinforceing it with demothballed ships (once again, due to the description of Depots, I expect the UWP be quite missleading on its shipyard construction and refitting capacity), so that they can react quickly to any event.
Once this fleet has departed, Depot is likely to keep refiting the mothball fleet to replace it in the defense role, and It's unlikely any Vargr fleet can stand against a single IN CruDron, less so in this impromtu ofensive (just look at the tiny force the Vargr fleet is in FFW, this time having been prepared for years with Zhodani help to give you an idea of what could this unprepared force be).
And I expect the Vargr to have less replacement capacity that the Corridor Fleet, as they are unlikely to have large mothballed fletes as Depot probably has.
Of course, as said, that's my take on IN standard procedures, and YMMV...