Sifu Blackirish
SOC-14 1K
How about a hundred thousand? Would you believe a thousand?
A few days ago, I was visiting a friend who was watching 'THE SIMPSONS' and I admit I was only half watching myself. I did notice that the episode involved a huge pile of keys, and that the adults seemed to know what every key was for! Since my creative urges have resurfaced and I had no story references on hand at work, I let my mind drift TRAVELLER wise and...
What would your character do with a thousand access codes? I did a little brainstorming, and in about fifteen minutes I came up with the folliwing questions and comments, with only minor editing.
Being old school and stubborn, I still fiercely cling to CLASSIC TRAVELLER. Before I could wroite down anything, it came to me that the Book 2 trade and commerce table could describe the ultimate item in question. Now that I think of it, you could use any of the rumors from adventures, or even the encounter tables.
Is the code layered? This code could unlock the file of trade secrets your adventurers are looking for, but it won't do much good if the subsystem can't be accessed unless you are inside the building.
How many of the codes are obsolete? If the code has an embedded timestamp, has the system capability to ignore dated codes? Was the code stolen and the owner has made it invalid? Does the server that recognizes the code still exist?
Who is monitoring systems to see if a certain code is used? Did you just stumble into a government 'gray' or 'black' program that used to be flying under the radar? Perhaps you just uncovered a file of incriminating evidence that someone wants revealed or destroyed. Or maybe the character just dropped into the middle of some kidnapping or extortion scenario and perpetrators, victims and police are closing in on him/her.
Who is watching YOU and will react with extreme prejudice when you suddenly are flush with cash or credit? Is an ex-spouse ready to drag you into court, ready to sue for more alimony and/or child support? Have formerly unknown relatives come out of the woodwork now that you have been revealed as the latest GalacticPowerball winner? Is one of your former friends going to claim that the winning ticket is his? Even better, those debt collectors who haven't been able to locate you before sure can find you now, big spender!
I hope these adventure seeds I have planted will bear good gaming fruit. If these ramblings inspire you to enhance your gaming experience, please tell us about it!
A few days ago, I was visiting a friend who was watching 'THE SIMPSONS' and I admit I was only half watching myself. I did notice that the episode involved a huge pile of keys, and that the adults seemed to know what every key was for! Since my creative urges have resurfaced and I had no story references on hand at work, I let my mind drift TRAVELLER wise and...
What would your character do with a thousand access codes? I did a little brainstorming, and in about fifteen minutes I came up with the folliwing questions and comments, with only minor editing.
Being old school and stubborn, I still fiercely cling to CLASSIC TRAVELLER. Before I could wroite down anything, it came to me that the Book 2 trade and commerce table could describe the ultimate item in question. Now that I think of it, you could use any of the rumors from adventures, or even the encounter tables.
Is the code layered? This code could unlock the file of trade secrets your adventurers are looking for, but it won't do much good if the subsystem can't be accessed unless you are inside the building.
How many of the codes are obsolete? If the code has an embedded timestamp, has the system capability to ignore dated codes? Was the code stolen and the owner has made it invalid? Does the server that recognizes the code still exist?
Who is monitoring systems to see if a certain code is used? Did you just stumble into a government 'gray' or 'black' program that used to be flying under the radar? Perhaps you just uncovered a file of incriminating evidence that someone wants revealed or destroyed. Or maybe the character just dropped into the middle of some kidnapping or extortion scenario and perpetrators, victims and police are closing in on him/her.
Who is watching YOU and will react with extreme prejudice when you suddenly are flush with cash or credit? Is an ex-spouse ready to drag you into court, ready to sue for more alimony and/or child support? Have formerly unknown relatives come out of the woodwork now that you have been revealed as the latest GalacticPowerball winner? Is one of your former friends going to claim that the winning ticket is his? Even better, those debt collectors who haven't been able to locate you before sure can find you now, big spender!
I hope these adventure seeds I have planted will bear good gaming fruit. If these ramblings inspire you to enhance your gaming experience, please tell us about it!