So, I finally got my hands on these books and I must say that I liked them quite alot, there are some things that I would like to know though, which I do not understand.
How can there be such a concentration of Psionics on Tiyanid, I mean that even though there were a underground cell of psionics there, they have to be quite alot of them in that cell. Only in Idsur Republic there are some 1500 psionics and if we consider this average for a nation on Tiyanid, there will be an average of 12000 psions, not including chirpers and droyne. I feel that these numbers are abit too high, but it might be only me.
The only three reasons I can think of is that:
1) the Psionics in 1130 breeded like rabbits and put out non-psionic children to the wolves, if it is not a 100% certainty that two psionics will have psionic children. And even then, the genepool of the idsur Republic will be diluted by inbreeding after a few generations. Lets say that a generation is about 25 years, then there has been 3 generations since the collapse, these numbers are not that realistc.
2) Something on the planet, may it be in the water/atmosphere/soil or whatever trigger something in the human mind and awaken the psionic powers.
3) The underground cell of 3I had an ancient artifact that awaken the psionic powers in a non-psionic person.
Reason 2 & 3 seems a bit far-fetched, although 2 seems more realistic. BUt if so, will they only be psions on Tiyanid and will the effect wane as you get away from the planet/system? If it was like this, should not the imperium have noticed this and interdicted the system as a red zone? Option 3 might happen, but if so, the artifact must be what the nations are fighting about. The leaders know of it but do not tell anyone.
Just some thought, what do you say?
How can there be such a concentration of Psionics on Tiyanid, I mean that even though there were a underground cell of psionics there, they have to be quite alot of them in that cell. Only in Idsur Republic there are some 1500 psionics and if we consider this average for a nation on Tiyanid, there will be an average of 12000 psions, not including chirpers and droyne. I feel that these numbers are abit too high, but it might be only me.
The only three reasons I can think of is that:
1) the Psionics in 1130 breeded like rabbits and put out non-psionic children to the wolves, if it is not a 100% certainty that two psionics will have psionic children. And even then, the genepool of the idsur Republic will be diluted by inbreeding after a few generations. Lets say that a generation is about 25 years, then there has been 3 generations since the collapse, these numbers are not that realistc.
2) Something on the planet, may it be in the water/atmosphere/soil or whatever trigger something in the human mind and awaken the psionic powers.
3) The underground cell of 3I had an ancient artifact that awaken the psionic powers in a non-psionic person.
Reason 2 & 3 seems a bit far-fetched, although 2 seems more realistic. BUt if so, will they only be psions on Tiyanid and will the effect wane as you get away from the planet/system? If it was like this, should not the imperium have noticed this and interdicted the system as a red zone? Option 3 might happen, but if so, the artifact must be what the nations are fighting about. The leaders know of it but do not tell anyone.
Just some thought, what do you say?