How many sweeps does it take when its a cloudy day?
Depends if your ship has an EMS Active Array.
"A starship will have starcharts of subsectors and sectors,
and its sensors can provide a map of any system it enters
within a few days at most. Any populated world usually has
for sale detailed maps of its surface. A starship’s sensors can
provide at least a continental outline map of a world it is orbiting."
_Referee's Companion_, p 85.
"Map, Electronic: The “map box” is a compact
(250 x 250 x lOmm, which expand to 1000 x 1000 x 1Omm
when opened) display system for computerized maps of a
world. Scale may be adjusted. Most inhabited planets have
mapclips (diskettes until Tech Level 13, holocrystals at higher
levels) available for Cr150. When not available, two orbital
sweeps of the world are required to obtain the necessary
photographs to construct a map chip. Blank mapclips are
available for Cr30."
_Imperial Encyclopedia_, p 61.
Just need someone to tell me how long it takes to do two orbital sweeps...