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PARTISAN - A short adventure series seed


The colony of Sana Franci is a nominally-socialist collective, originally founded to explore a university-staff ideal society model. Unfortunately, it has grown over the century of existence into yet another planet where those who have power and status use it to live comfortably, hoarding technology and resources in order to maintain their position. The upper 5% do not lack for food, property, or opportunity, with an average TL-A existence. The remaining 95% struggle by as they seek to not only keep the colony afloat but also to handle the burden of ever-increasing taxes and levies upon their production - all to support the local "council government." The majority of the planet ekes by at a TL8, with little disposable income or opportunity for advancement or off-world travel. This was the status-quo until six months ago, when a charismatic revolutionary came to notice at one of the far settlements.

Normally this would draw little off-world notice, save for one thing. New analysis reveals that certain fungal growths native to the boreal rainforests of Sana Franci hold amazing anagathic potential. The ruling council views this discovery as theirs to rightfully direct, ensuring all research and proceeds flows to the "proper" beneficiaries. The rebels want to see this wealth, and power as a whole, returned to the people who have struggled to build a new home on this distant planet. And varying corporate interests see opportunities on either side.

Which is where the characters come in...

Your group has been hired (or has volunteered) to help the revolutionary group overthrow the current regime. While outright assassination or coup is out of the question for political and perception reasons, a popular revolt is well within accepted standards. Additionally, no off-world invovlement can be discovered as this would bring unwanted attention to the transition, as well as possibly affect popular support. As such, the group will be provided with weapons and equipment appropriate to the local TL8 elements, so that they will better blend in. Most importantly, there is a time-table - the discovery is bound to become common knowledge by the end of the next quarter, and if the regime has not been replaced things are likely to become a free-for-all.

BLUF - The party must struggle against a numerically and technologically superior force in order to overthrow a government, all without off-world aid or resources.

Random elements or complications:

1 - Corporate interests are financing the characters (and revolutionaries) in hopes of gaining a better deal following the coup.
2 - This is a false flag operation. The characters are intended to infiltrate the revolutionaries so that government forces can identify them and decapitate the movement. Whether some or all of the characters know this is open.
3 - The leader of the revolution is anything but an idealist. He/she intends to estabilish a charismatic dictatorship, and siphon the financial windfalls to their supporters and friends. Additionally, stern revenge measures are already planned against the current regime leaders.
4 - All is as portrayed. The rebellion has growing popular support, and should it succeed the players will help usher in a positive change in the colony as a whole.
5 - The rebellion is far from a unified whole as the characters initially believe. They must determine which group is the appropriate one to back, and keep the others from turning this into an open war.
6 - The anagathic fungas is only a lure - something else is driving the off-world interest in Sana Franci. Is it an Ancient site? Rare metals? Or something else?
An additional complication is that the current regime is the lesser evil compared to other possibilities; particularly, it might be the only thing holding the various potentially-violent factions in check. Think of your Complication 5, but at a larger scale - this is not just a matter of Resistance factionalism, but powerful centrifugal forces in society along faction lines. Overthrowing the regime might actually be the easiest part of the adventure; preventing social disintegration will be the hard part. The charismatic dictator from your Complication 3 might actually be a good way to go - someone to keep the factions in check.
An additional complication is that the current regime is the lesser evil compared to other possibilities; particularly, it might be the only thing holding the various potentially-violent factions in check. Think of your Complication 5, but at a larger scale - this is not just a matter of Resistance factionalism, but powerful centrifugal forces in society along faction lines. Overthrowing the regime might actually be the easiest part of the adventure; preventing social disintegration will be the hard part. The charismatic dictator from your Complication 3 might actually be a good way to go - someone to keep the factions in check.

The real-world historical parallels to this are numerous, of course - as recent experience points out. This would be a great method to turn it from a one-shot to a campaign; or for groups that prefer more "large-scale" games than localized events.
A nifty adventure seed which, as Diveguy and the others have pointed out, can quickly turn very grey and very nasty. Mixing Option #3 with Option #5 could be the maximum entropy version. All the faction leaders plan on "removing" their opponents (plus selected supporters) once they seize power which puts the PCs in not just a "No Win" situation but a "Do Not Want To Win" situation. Attempting to convince whoever is paying the bills to accept a "Least Worst" result could put the PCs future employment as mercenaries in jeopardy.

Last year I re-read The Dogs of War for the first time in a long time. That got me squinting at Ochecate while shuffling pieces labeled "Kuai Qing", "Collace", "Ag Worlds Combine", "Trexalon", "Duchy of Glisten", and "208th Fleet".
What is the UWP of the planet? That would give some idea as to the possibility of success of a revolution. A smaller population should indicate an increased chance of success.

How large is the planet's military or constabulary? Five per cent does not keep the remaining 95 per cent under control with a fair amount of armed muscle backing them up.

When you say "far settlements" how "far" is far? A veneer of Tech Level 10 with the rest of the planet at Tech Level 8 means that grav transportation is going to be very limited.

I might lean towards making the majority of the population at Tech Level 5 or 6 to maximize the disparity of life style.
What is the UWP of the planet? That would give some idea as to the possibility of success of a revolution. A smaller population should indicate an increased chance of success.

How large is the planet's military or constabulary? Five per cent does not keep the remaining 95 per cent under control with a fair amount of armed muscle backing them up.

When you say "far settlements" how "far" is far? A veneer of Tech Level 10 with the rest of the planet at Tech Level 8 means that grav transportation is going to be very limited.

I might lean towards making the majority of the population at Tech Level 5 or 6 to maximize the disparity of life style.

I left all those elements vague in the spirit of the original *Patrons* style write-ups - this leaves it open for you to drop in/modify as fits YOUR setting and polities.