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[Pedantic] Ship Missions and Codes


SOC-14 10K
Admin Award

Ship missions seem something like character careers, kind of. They're a label that tells us the ship's current purpose. Unlike careers, the design process is not railroaded by that mission, beyond the architect's vision -- although people who get to see the design can do a kind of subjective "design evaluation" and decide if the choices made seem reasonable.

Also unlike the careers, there's nothing that maps ship missions to "skills"... there are design and performance suggestions and precedents. However, the metaphor doesn't extend well to the ship's components or crew. The relationship would be a tortuous one and, I think, unproductive.

But the career metaphor is better. Actually the ship's mission code is more like a JOB code than a career code: it's about what the ship is currently doing. Note that the Lightnings, Kinuniirin, and Leviathans re-sold to various organizations were re-coded.

Thus "mission" can change. It is not an intrinsic characteristic of a ship, though it typically seems to be long-lived.


The secondary table of "Mission Modifiers" is an unsorted pile of descriptors. The modifiers are often universal, but many are divisible into general service branches (military, commercial, private).

I suggest that this modifiers table is an open class, because there are many "edge case" starship designs over the decades which may not fit into the provided codes. Since creating codes for every possible unique ship mission is likely a fool's errand, it's best to keep the modifiers open and let architects improvise when they need to.

TL;DR Battle-Class Mission Codes

I noticed the tendency for BCS codes in Agent of the Imperium to not seem to follow the T5 Mission Codes page. This is a ridiculous thing, so I sought to understand what's going on. The first idea I had, was that these BCS codes are modifiers only -- since the primary mission of capital ships in AOTI is almost always a type of Cruiser (Battle-Battle, Battle-Strike...).

Marc later clarified by saying that the codes used on AOTI are colloquial. Informal conversation may not use the rules. That's also useful advice for us pedantic players (and yes, this thread is pedantic).

As I thought about all of the above, I tried mapping example ship designs to T5 mission codes. Here are many of those attempts. Suggestions are welcome.

Note the reliance of edge-case ship types on "made up" secondary modifiers.

AAArmored TraderACS-3 p12
LXALong-Range Express TraderIISS p15
SDBSystem Defense BoatS09p25; SMCp35; T5B2p34
ACArmored CruiserS09p30
BCBattle CruiserAOTI 28,38
FCFrontier CruiserS09p31; G03
LCLight CruiserS09p28
QCQuarantine Cruiser
SCScout CruiserS09p29l G03
BRGBattle Rider FrigateSMCp35
CBCCarrier Battle CruiserSMCp35
FEFleet EscortS07p18
GEGunned EscortS07p35; T5B2p34
PGPatrol FrigateIISSp18; T5B2p46-47
LMLong LinerTTAp138
ATImproved TransportTTAp138
CTCargo TransportTTAp139 C = Cargo (new modifier)
ARArmored Commerce RaiderACS-1 p8
LCTLight Carrier AssaultIISSp27
EVEscort DestroyerS09p14,15
B"Large" Fighters (100+ tons)
HT, HW, HZ, etcRefinery (Hydrogen Transport/Barge/Station, etc)Z = Unclassified, include "Station"
XAT, XAW, XAZ, etcAgri (Special Ag Transport/Barge/Station, etc)A = Agricultural (new modifier)
XFT, XFW, XFZ, etcFactory (Special Factory Transport/Barge/Station, etc)F = Factory (new modifier)
HS, HG, HE, etcHunter Scout, Hunter Frigate, Hunter Corvette, etcH = Hunter (new modifier)
CTColony TransportC = Colony (new modifier)
STFerry (System Transport)
T2Freight Tractor (Transport Tug)IISSp10
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Thoughts on Stations

Small space stations seem to qualify as starships -- they can certainly be created using starship design systems.

I would use "Z" to include small stations.

Where possible, I prefer to use "T" or "W", which often makes sense -- a ship designed to create as well as deliver. "W" "Barge" gives the sense of being under-powered and focused more on holding stuff than moving.

Less satisfyingly, I could use "P" "Picket", which completely obscures the original mission intent, and makes it look like a Corsair base.
FMLong LinerTTAp138

Wouldn't Long Liner be LM (Long-Range Liner)?
"Fast" seems to be used for High Maneuver Drive, Long-Range for High Jump. Or is F for "Far/Frontier"?
FMLong LinerTTAp138

Wouldn't Long Liner be LM (Long-Range Liner)?
"Fast" seems to be used for High Maneuver Drive, Long-Range for High Jump. Or is F for "Far/Frontier"?

WHOOPS!!! L does mean Long-Range! Thanks!
Some High Guard codes are easily mapped to T5.
The way I usually like to do it is to reverse the order of the codes (because HG is usually more faithful in putting the primary mission first). T5 says the primary mission should go first, but acknowledges that it's more common to see the modifiers first. Embracing this ambiguity, I tell myself that I ought to lighten up.

For example, the IISS Ship Files.

Starting with the Zhodani Tiaflfiet-class Patrol Frigate.
In HG, it's "FP".
I reverse it, putting Patrol first => PF.
Then I map HG's Frigate (F) to T5's Frigate (G) => PG.

Similarly their Express Packet Boat: "AXL".
Reversed: LXA.
And I find that all the codes are accounted for, and I'm done. Theoretically I could have left it unchanged.

Then their Light Assault Troop Carrier "ACTL".
Reversed: "LTCA".
Assault in T5 is "T", which also subsumes "Troop": LCT.
L is Light. C is Carrier. Done.

Their Vargr Tradeboat is a simple "MV". In HG, that's "Merchant, Vargr".
Their design notes compare it to the Free Trader, but Merchant could still fit.
I'd call it an FR -- a Far Merchant.
Similarly their Express Packet Boat: "AXL".
Reversed: LXA.
And I find that all the codes are accounted for, and I'm done. Theoretically I could have left it unchanged.

If it is explicitly a Packet, it should be LXU or UXL.

Their Vargr Tradeboat is a simple "MV". In HG, that's "Merchant, Vargr".
Their design notes compare it to the Free Trader, but Merchant could still fit.
I'd call it an FR -- a Far Merchant.

It would depend on whether the use of the ship is for scheduled or unscheduled service.

Trader = Unscheduled
Merchant = Scheduled

When I think Vargr (and their Extents comprising many shifting splinter polities rather than large coherent and stable states), I usually think "unscheduled" based on their psychology, but obviously things are not predetermined by that.
If it is explicitly a Packet, it should be LXU or UXL.

While it is called a Packet, it in fact does not carry passengers, thus falling short of the T5 definition.
Add to that the publication using the code A "Trader", and I give in and retain the "A".

You could also argue that it is simply an LX, or just an X, an Express ship.

It would depend on whether the use of the ship is for scheduled or unscheduled service.

Trader = Unscheduled
Merchant = Scheduled

When I think Vargr (and their Extents comprising many shifting splinter polities rather than large coherent and stable states), I usually think "unscheduled" based on their psychology, but obviously things are not predetermined by that.

I do, too. The text description in this case removes the chaotism of the Vargr as trading partners, so I am willing to keep the Merchant tag here. This also gives the ship an uncommon mission for Vargr, which is interesting.
Some High Guard codes are easily mapped to T5.
The way I usually like to do it is to reverse the order of the codes (because HG is usually more faithful in putting the primary mission first). T5 says the primary mission should go first, but acknowledges that it's more common to see the modifiers first. Embracing this ambiguity, I tell myself that I ought to lighten up.

For example, the IISS Ship Files.

Starting with the Zhodani Tiaflfiet-class Patrol Frigate.
In HG, it's "FP".
I reverse it, putting Patrol first => PF.
Then I map HG's Frigate (F) to T5's Frigate (G) => PG.

Similarly their Express Packet Boat: "AXL".
Reversed: LXA.
And I find that all the codes are accounted for, and I'm done. Theoretically I could have left it unchanged.

Then their Light Assault Troop Carrier "ACTL".
Reversed: "LTCA".
Assault in T5 is "T", which also subsumes "Troop": LCT.
L is Light. C is Carrier. Done.

Their Vargr Tradeboat is a simple "MV". In HG, that's "Merchant, Vargr".
Their design notes compare it to the Free Trader, but Merchant could still fit.
I'd call it an FR -- a Far Merchant.

Specifically, from T5 Book 2, p.68 (Header):
(Note: "E" is Table E (Mission Code) and "F" is Table F (Mission Modifier)
The descriptive terms for missions have specific meanings, but they are defined to allow broad interpretation and substantial overlap. Select a mission for the ship (or assign it after the ship is designed) State the mission as a one-, two- or (rarely) three- letter code. Multiple identical letter codes (AA, AAA) may use a digit (A2, A3) Apply Mission Modifiers after the Mission as needed in the format EFF. Although the technically correct usage states Mission first, the converse has become commonplace as FFE. and is tolerated: Modifier-Modifier-Mission (SDB= System Defense-Boat). Actual meanings are subject to common sense, and may be ambiguous.

I suppose for racial/political origin codes (i.e. Vargr, Zhodani, etc.) a single letter code could be affixed (before or after the above codes) in either parentheses or brackets:
  • Vargr Express Packet Boat: LXA[V] / [V]LXA or AXL[V] / [V]AXL.
  • Zhodani Patrol Frigate: [Z]PG / PG[Z] or [Z]GP / GP[Z]
I would also make certain codes (such as "Experimental") independent of the 2-3 letter code and note them as above:
  • Experimental Long-Range Fast Cruiser: CLF[X] / [X]CLF or LFC[X] / [X]LFC
Not unreasonable.

To expand on Wayne's post: the mission codes seem like a meta-structure. So we can build rules on top of it, and that includes at least some nuance. Page 69 gives additional useful detail, but it still leaves some flexibility.
Thoughts on Stations
"Station" should be a modifier, not a primary mission. The "W" modifier (Unpowered) is a starting point.

AW - Orbital port serving both passengers and cargo.
DW/EW - Orbital defense platform depending on weapons
SW/LW - Sensor platform for in-system montoring / Science research purposes.