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SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
Nothing new around here so I'll throw this out and see if it sticks.

First the ad:

The personal touch for your interactive systems needs, by Kawasaki-Heterodyne LIC.

PersonaCore is a firmware system that forms the core of an advanced computer network which allows the user to replace skilled personnel with various advancements in the latest expert systems and software. Although some skills cannot be replaced by this system, most of the tedium and time-consuming work involved in routine tasks can be reduced dramatically by introducing one of the PersonaCore lines into your network.

The PersonaCore line includes a wide assortment of pre-generated standard personalities for enhanced ease and efficiency when interacting with the system. In the case of particular needs our engineers stand ready to custom design a personality to your exacting requirements.*

Contact your Kawasaki-Heterodyne LIC representative today for more information, or visit our interactive kiosk at Gehenna Downport.

*Subject to local manufacturer’s tech level limitations. Local laws may also apply.

Now the rules:

PersonaCore Expert System Rules

This technology allows the computer on the ship to replace various crew positions with expert systems, subject to some limitations. The firmware and software for this are currently only available through a very few manufacturers; on the Rim Ono-Sendai LIC, located in Styx on Gehenna is the sole provider of the technology.

The TL limits are as follows:

TL-12 True “Expertware” allows for basic skill level (0) in limited skill areas. Acts mostly in an advisory capacity and has limited decision making capabilities but can present accurate predictions based on the knowledge base and some user input. Particularly useful in areas such as Legal, Admin, Mechanical, Electronic, etc.

TL-13 Advanced “Expertware” allows for skill level 1 in a wider range of areas. Requires less input from a user and can make intuitive predictions and diagnosis. Can be used in medical applications.

TL-14 Semi-Autonomous Personaware has the same skill level, but adds a personality core to the routines which, based on the personality type used, can make independent decisions based on the system’s own observations and experience. Skill areas that may involve potential safety risks (Pilot, Navigate, for example) have an inbuilt interrupt that requires the user to select a choice from a list presented by the program. The user can also build a decision tree for the system to use to guide some independent action. Anything beyond the tree would cause the system to halt action and alert a user to select an action.

TL-15 Fully autonomous Personaware that acts independently of human interaction within a wide range of parameters and skills. User override is available for situations where a higher skill level is needed, but the system replaces most skills at level 2. The decision making process is less dependent on the personality type, instead the personality acts as an interface for the user which is fully interactive and makes even complex tasks easier for the user to perform. The personality can make suggestions, carry on conversation, learns from experience, and is 100% Turing compliant. If the user wishes, the system can also act independently of human input based on the system's past experience and (if desired) personality type.

At all levels most of the following basic parameters apply: (TL-15 is shown)

1) Requires 10 CPU/20 Storage

2) Requires all ancillary software needed for performing the required tasks. For instance, if the ship is going to Jump, then the needed level of Jump Program is required. All rules of program space and use limitations apply.

3) Replaces crew in most positions (Steward would require a remote robot the system would use to interact with passengers with, for instance) at that position’s required skill level of 2.

4) At least one engineer position must be manned by a human. Safety and navigation laws require that a human pilot be controlling all vessels entering a traffic corridor.

5) Weapons stations may be “manned” by the system, but will only be able to fire on one target at a time. Skill level is 1 for all weapons. Gunner Interact is required. The system presents a list of target choices and the user selects the target from that list each round.

6) All success rolls are made by the referee.

7) Manual override is possible from any crew station for that skill.

8) Evade programming limited to Auto-Evade if that program is present.

PersonaCore sets priorities to starship operations based on the user defined limits, but, at all times the system checks the logic of those tasks against the following 2 rules:

1) Ship / Crew safety is paramount and the system must take no action that will place those two categories at risk while operating.

2) The system will engage in combat only if no means of evasion or escape is available. If combat is engaged the first rule will be applied by continuously searching for a means of escape or evasion.
PersonaCore sets priorities to starship operations based on the user defined limits, but, at all times the system checks the logic of those tasks against the following 2 rules:

1) Ship / Crew safety is paramount and the system must take no action that will place those two categories at risk while operating.

2) The system will engage in combat only if no means of evasion or escape is available. If combat is engaged the first rule will be applied by continuously searching for a means of escape or evasion.
I can see this as problematic. Sometimes the mission has to come before the ship, the ship needs to travel in harm's way, seek out combat. PersonaCore is gonna have to come with a big "off switch", or these priorities will need overrides.

Other than that, cool.
It does have a manual override...

7) Manual override is possible from any crew station for that skill.

If the ship says it's going to run instead of fight then the pilot just says no and switches the flight controls to manual.

Other other hand, if you are planning lots of run n' gun type adventuring this program isn't the best thing to fill your computer storage with. The thing was designed to allow smaller crews to operate larger ships on longer voyages.

Think of the Discovery in 2001:Space Odyssey, or the Sulaco in Aliens. Freeze the crew, and the ship runs things till they get to the point where the crew needs to take over. I came up with this thing while running a Traveller 2300 campaign and needed some technology to cover long range slowboats loaded with colonists and other ships that were going out beyond some of the areas in known space using near-FTL drives.

It's also good for single crew deep survey adventures when you only have one or two players, so know I use it in my CT campaigns. It's very rare outside the core worlds (where it gets used a lot on yachts and similar) so it's always an EVENT when a ship so equipped arrives in a colonial starport.
....and sometimes it makes for interesting role-playing and adventuring if the computer's off-switch is stuck for some reason.

battle damage...weak repairs...space mice chewing on the tasty insulation....

Suddenly the players have a berserker ship with them trapped on board, or a ship that always screws up a jump.....
I created an AI style computer program (also called Persona) back in the day. It wasn't true AI, just a personality simulator. It wasn't 10 units either. IIRC it was 1 unit plus 1 unit per skill level, plus 1 unit to auto-swap skills. It could easily grow to large sizes, though, depending what you wanted it to do. :)
Paranoia Press' Merchants & Merchandise had something similar:

LHeP(Or) Series 12/136 / Organic Computer Systems from Delta Research.

"In 1194, Delta Research announced its new series 12/136 Logical Heuristic Processor (Organic) Computer systems. A major breakthrough in storage and processing units..."

Then look for the models that have the 2001 Feature: "This feature allows the impression of the personality any historical character...benefits are direct voice input and output from the computer plus the intelligence and mental abilities of the impressed personage."

Some downsides included the potential of the personality taking over the ship.

For that to work they required their own systems - apparently the AI required lots of storage space and capacity. And only Delata Research technicians have the expertise to impress a LHeO(Or) and it has to be done prior to ship installation. Prices for models with that feature went from MCr 100 -> MCr 300, 10dT-20dT, had 20/35 -> 53/90 spaces. Not sure I want a computer more expensive than the rest of the ship altogether!
I bet it can get really fun with players who have a direct neural interface

Lawnmower Man
organic+AI multiple personalities
AI taking over a body
ghost hacking
a pc finding himself uploaded to the ship and the ship downloaded into his body
the pc's persona gets copied into the ship
pc and ship confused as to who is 'real' and who is a sim
virtual prostitution

it might not have to take up so much space in a computer..take a look at Alice-bots conversational AI. They're already used to 'text message' people who sign up to hot coed sex chat text messaging services...many think they're talking to a real coed ( they obviously have a strong desire to suspend their belief ). Higher tech than 8 might be really really good and hard to trip up ( thank you holocube storage for the gigantic response lists possible and various machine-learning pattern-matching routines ). Its not so hard to think of...hell...I even had a stupid learning markov generator on a sex irc board and more than a few dopes kept hitting on it or begging the mods to call the cops because "she" was obviously on drugs/high.