You know, it's amazing what you can take a pill for these days, things that used to be untreatable or even fatal not long ago (Like when traveller first graced the world with it's presence...) can now be treated or even cured with pills.
Take ulcers, for example. People died from ulcers when traveller came out, or had to manage their lives very carefully after getting them. Some ulcers required surgery to deal with.
Now? You take a pepcid or a prilosec, and that's it.
There are pills to delay or even reverse hairloss now, which people have been struggling with for millennia.
And, of course, you can get those "male enhancement" pills, as TV ads tell us over and over and over and over....
Now, think with me a minute: What kind of pills do you think will be available in the traveller era? Seriously, can you imagine the pills they might have?
I can see it now. Woman goes to her walgreen's and says "I was out on a scout mission for a couple years, and I found this lump in my breast a while ago. What do you think I should do?"
The pharmacists pulls out a small gadget, points it at her and says "Well, it's stage 3 breast cancer, and it's spread thruout your lymph system. I'd recommend the extra strength "Tumornators", we have them in aisle 6 and they're on sale this week."
(Why do I hear GM's across the world going " 'Tumornators'"? Ha, I gotta use that in my next game!" ?)
Clogged arteries from too many burgers at starport joints? Have a couple "PlaqueBusters" and your blood vessels will be clean as the proverbial whistle in 24 hours!
Safe steroid pills that bulk you up in weeks? Pills that give you an attractive scent? (New Smell ya later, now with french vanilla and pine scent!)
Any other pills you can think of? Change your eye color with a couple cosmetic pills? Natural blond pills that change your hair color as long as you stay on them, with the optional deluxe version that also lowers your IQ? (JOKE!!!)
Traveller is an amazing universe, I can only imagine what would be available in the local drugstores on a typical planet in it. If anyone has any other ideas for pills in traveller, let's hear 'em...
Take ulcers, for example. People died from ulcers when traveller came out, or had to manage their lives very carefully after getting them. Some ulcers required surgery to deal with.
Now? You take a pepcid or a prilosec, and that's it.
There are pills to delay or even reverse hairloss now, which people have been struggling with for millennia.
And, of course, you can get those "male enhancement" pills, as TV ads tell us over and over and over and over....
Now, think with me a minute: What kind of pills do you think will be available in the traveller era? Seriously, can you imagine the pills they might have?
I can see it now. Woman goes to her walgreen's and says "I was out on a scout mission for a couple years, and I found this lump in my breast a while ago. What do you think I should do?"
The pharmacists pulls out a small gadget, points it at her and says "Well, it's stage 3 breast cancer, and it's spread thruout your lymph system. I'd recommend the extra strength "Tumornators", we have them in aisle 6 and they're on sale this week."
(Why do I hear GM's across the world going " 'Tumornators'"? Ha, I gotta use that in my next game!" ?)
Clogged arteries from too many burgers at starport joints? Have a couple "PlaqueBusters" and your blood vessels will be clean as the proverbial whistle in 24 hours!
Safe steroid pills that bulk you up in weeks? Pills that give you an attractive scent? (New Smell ya later, now with french vanilla and pine scent!)
Any other pills you can think of? Change your eye color with a couple cosmetic pills? Natural blond pills that change your hair color as long as you stay on them, with the optional deluxe version that also lowers your IQ? (JOKE!!!)
Traveller is an amazing universe, I can only imagine what would be available in the local drugstores on a typical planet in it. If anyone has any other ideas for pills in traveller, let's hear 'em...