+++++How common are starships? My impression is very rare--even less than Traveller. I cannot see a trade in pirated goods happening since I cannot see where a pirate would get a ship to begin with.
The only thing I could see is a letter of marque issued to an armed merchant from a recent war (franco-german???) that had decided to go freebooter and had eluded national navies. Interesting but if it isn't a current navy ship, its chances of survival are pretty slim. Any ship caught would serve as an example to anyone who decided to try piracy themselves.+++++
The point of any setting is to provide an excuse for pirates (and to a lesser extent ninjas).
Hence if the setting doesn't allow pirates, it is Wrong and must be Changed. When pondering setting elements, always one must ask oneself 'does this enable piracy' and if it doesn't, it must be cut.
Always bear this in mind.
I think combinations of corruption, incompetence, short sighted greed and unhealthy rivalrys should cover most aspects.
Anyway, some thoughts -
The factionalised nature of the 2300 allows you to piss off one group and hide in another.
Also, Britain secured its location by controlling the seas around its island, and then, safe from attack it set about pirating everything that moved (well, kinda, sorta, ish).
A colony could do the same - maintain enough of a fleet to discourage invasion, and then pick on a smaller spacefairing power, or one engaged elsewhere, basically leaving them without comeback.
Is it worth mentioning that Paul Allen of microsoft fame owns a yacht called Octopus that cost something like 200 million USD?
And hes got two more in the top 100 yachts list?
And these things cost about 10% of the purchase price per annum to maintain?
Roman Abramovich owns number 6 in the list* (and two others), in addition to his $100 million converted 767 and the $450 million hes spent on chealsea football club.
Reckon he'd fund a pirate ship if he had the chance?
And it wasn't unheard of for commanders to purchase stuff for their units in the past?
Its is worth noting that when pirates drew the attention of the mighty Royal Navy they tended not to last long, but then the wild west only took about thirty years as well.
And so did the golden age of piracy.
2320 might see just such an age, with vast quantities of spaceships around, major powers fleets exhausted and on a short leash (so they won't be out of position for an assault on Earth) and the time just right for movements to launch attacks on coutries tired of fighting.