Hey gang,
I just picked up an old copy of Challenge 76 which contains an FFS revision entitled "Putting the Heat back into Plasma." Has anybody else read this, and more importantly, is anyone using this errata?
I like most of the changes proposed by the article - such as making the plasma bazooka not suck entirely anymore, but I'm a bit torn on others. The revised damages for the PGMPs and FGMPs range from 23 to 37d6! I haven't played other editions of Traveller, but are these things supposed to be that lethal? I think that kind of limits their use against players a little. Battledress shmattledress, one shot one kill. Any thoughts?
I just picked up an old copy of Challenge 76 which contains an FFS revision entitled "Putting the Heat back into Plasma." Has anybody else read this, and more importantly, is anyone using this errata?
I like most of the changes proposed by the article - such as making the plasma bazooka not suck entirely anymore, but I'm a bit torn on others. The revised damages for the PGMPs and FGMPs range from 23 to 37d6! I haven't played other editions of Traveller, but are these things supposed to be that lethal? I think that kind of limits their use against players a little. Battledress shmattledress, one shot one kill. Any thoughts?