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Play By Post -- Looking for players

is this game still running?


Post Number:#187 Postby mark » Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:31 pm

It is the fourth anniversary of Strictly Business, and it's been a blast, but sadly all good things must come to and end. I think it is better to draw a line under a very enjoyable campaign and call it a success/partial-success rather than turn it into a ongoing trading game with limited connection to the original campaign story.

I think the story elements were really the driving force for player participation, and of course the remaining PCs had little involvement in the original story. Therefore the huge risks the earlier PCs took would never logically seem worth it in the same way to the newer PCs. However, I believe the PCs who were left achieved what they joined the crew to do, they got rich and had a little adventure.

Congratulations and thank you so very much for helping make the game special! :thumbup:

I have no idea what the future holds for follow up Traveller campaigns. I'll freely admit, my free time is much more limited than I would have ever imagined (thanks son!) and I personally find sci-fi to be very work intensive as a GM. Also, as I get older I am beginning to get somewhat frustrated with the Third Imperium, I'm not sure I will ever love it as much as in my childhood.

For now, until I master this parenting lark and have much more free time, I will be exclusively running the historic Vikingr game using the RuneQuest6e / Mythras rules (which are actually free). Both of you are welcome to join that game if you are genuinely interested in 9th century European history. I consider RQ/Mythras to be a vastly superior rules system and the 9th century setting has produced far less administrative work for me as a GM, which makes for more time for enjoying the roleplay.

Assuming it is not your cup of tea, then I hope this is not goodbye. I hope you will hang around the forums and PM me from time to time, perhaps in the future we can talk about a new campaign far away in the stars...

All the very best and thanks for being great sports & fantastic players, :mrgreen:
~ Mark

PS. Concluding Strictly Business almost breaks my heart, I put a little of my soul into the game, but it is time to move on.
