This situation is unusual for me, but I think it may be more common in an older game like CT than in other games. This post is rather long but I wanted to include all the details so you don't think that I am just being paranoid. As I posted previously I am in a group that I know can handle the details of Traveller and the founder of this group is a veteran gamer who has played most incarnations of the game. Unfortunately he has become quite the Exalted fan boy. When we discussed game rotation, we are currently playing WFRP, I stated that I would run a hard sci fi game, and also stated that it would be Traveller. There was no grumbling from this, everyone was intrigued, except WOD fan boy who stated that he had worked out a stripped down version of the Exalted rules for sci fi. I played Exalted and thought the system was great, but this is not what I wanted for my game so I told him I would not use his system because then it wouldn't be Traveller. He looked at me like I had just said his children were ugly. Nothing was said for a while but then later when we were war gaming, I am in an rpg group and miniature gaming group, both he founded. I stated that I had worked out a combat mod for CT using Striker. He said "You can't change the rules because you haven't even looked at my WOD rules." So to be diplomatic I took the rules home. They were fairly simple and worked. Exalted has a very realistic initiative system that uses "ticks" to track when people act. But from that point he has been on the verge of shoving his pet rules down my throat. He is constantly making suggestions on how I can mod CT to his rules. I also got a very zealous explanation of how the initiative system works and how it will change RPGs for ever. The last conversation on the subject was close to an argument when I stated I "may" use his rules with modifications. He stated that the mods I was proposing would completely change his pet system and if I did this I should just use a different system, not original CT or BRP which I love, but other more modern systems. In the end everything said and done, this situation has sucked all the joy out of running a CT campaign. Also, my overall attitude for the group he founded and invited me into has been tainted. I have know this guy for sometime and been the best of friends but this insistence has really put a damper on my RPGing. Has anyone had an issue like this were you want to use one system and another player is such a fan boy that they keeping pushing the virtues of there pet system almost to the point of driving you from the group?