Ad Astra News
Ken and Mike are looking for more people to playtest the three-sided "Allies of Inconvenience" game. If you haven't played before, there's other Squadron Strike: Traveller gaming tonight at 5:30pm PDT (8:30pm EDT--sorry, it's the "convenient for the West Coast" game). You can join in and learn. Allies of Inconvenience is on Thursday, July 16, at 1pm EDT (it's timed to be, you know, convenient for the Brits!). That's 10:30am PDT or 17:00 GMT/UTC.
Drop-ins are welcome for tonight's game. Signing up in advance is even better
. To sign up, please register at, then sign up for the game at Sign up for Allies of Inconvenience at
Super-detail-y stuff below.
All the Sign-Up Information
(and more)
No purchase necessary, we will make time to teach you to play! All games listed here are open for people to join in, watch or play.
Learn more about the virtual map at
All games are played on the "beta" map at
Calendar of events:
Or, schedule a teaching session--no purchase necessary, we teach you the game from scratch!
"We use Discord for audio."
"1. Please download the separate Discord app from
"(We prefer to use the actual app, because it allows screen sharing, and words cannot describe how much easier it is to teach things when you can *show on the screen* what button to push.)"
"2. Please have a headset and microphone that isn't built into your computer if at all possible. It makes the experience better for everyone else."
"3. To learn Discord's basics, watch this video: YouTube link
"4. Please show up EARLY to do sound checks. Every single sound check slows everyone else down."
"5. Our Discord server is Go to the Waiting Room for audio and #general-chat and/or #introduce-yourself for initial messaging."
Drop-ins are welcome for tonight's game. Signing up in advance is even better

Super-detail-y stuff below.
All the Sign-Up Information
(and more)
No purchase necessary, we will make time to teach you to play! All games listed here are open for people to join in, watch or play.
Learn more about the virtual map at
All games are played on the "beta" map at
Calendar of events:
Or, schedule a teaching session--no purchase necessary, we teach you the game from scratch!
"We use Discord for audio."
"1. Please download the separate Discord app from
"(We prefer to use the actual app, because it allows screen sharing, and words cannot describe how much easier it is to teach things when you can *show on the screen* what button to push.)"
"2. Please have a headset and microphone that isn't built into your computer if at all possible. It makes the experience better for everyone else."
"3. To learn Discord's basics, watch this video: YouTube link
"4. Please show up EARLY to do sound checks. Every single sound check slows everyone else down."
"5. Our Discord server is Go to the Waiting Room for audio and #general-chat and/or #introduce-yourself for initial messaging."