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Possible FFS Errata?


I know it's not considered official errata -- but this has bugged me for years -- I kinda did walkarounds on it -- but being anal about stuff -- ya know .. lol

so FFS -- pg 74

The Daedalus Thermonuclear Pulse Drive ...

TL: 9+
vol: 1 kl
wt: 1 ton
TT: 1.5 tons
pr: .5 Mc
fuel: .0005 kl/hr
fcost: H2x100
SurfA: TT/200
MW: ?????

So uhhhh -- does this thing produce or suck up -- or what?

I even looked at rockets and looked at possible energy determined by the thrust, but I must have had a majoe brain fart for all these years -- so with the official errata ignoring this -- I guess the MW = 0 (thus, it uses what it produces ..)

But .... How have you guys looked at it
It produces thrust, takes no power inputs, and produces a very low thrust. It's literally a series of tactical mini-nukes going off in a combustion "bowl"...
