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Possible model for 3I orders

I ran across a copy of President Wilson's orders to General Graves, the American commander of the intervention in Siberia to support the rear area and rail line supply connections of Czech Forces operating under French commissions, supporting White forces against the Reds in Russia.

Do you expect this sort of instruction is what 3I nobles or higher headquarters issue to their general or admirals?

The whole heart of the people of the United States is in the winning of this war. The controlling purpose of the Government of the United States is to do everything that is necessary and effective to win it. It wishes to cooperate in every practicable way with the allied governments, and to cooperate ungrudgingly; for it has no ends of its own to serve and believes that the war can be won only by common council and intimate concert of action. It has sought to study every proposed policy or action in which its cooperation has been asked in this spirit, and states the following conclusions in the confidence, that if it finds itself obliged to decline participation in any undertaking or course of action, it will be understood that it does so only because it deems itself precluded from participating by imperative considerations either of policy or fact.

In full agreement with the allied governments and upon the unanimous advice of the Supreme War Council, the Government of the United States adopted, upon its entrance into the war, a plan for taking part in the fighting on the western front into which all its resources of men and material were to be put, and put as rapidly as possible, and it has carried out this plan with energy and success, pressing its execution more and more rapidly forward and literally putting into it the entire energy and executive force of the nation. This was its response, its very willing and hearty response, to what was the unhesitating judgment alike of its own military advisers and of the advisers of the allied governments. It is now considering, at the suggestion of the Supreme War Council, the possibility of making very considerable additions even to this immense programme which, if they should prove feasible at all, will tax the industrial processes of the United States and the shipping facilities of the whole group of associated nations to the utmost. It has thus concentrated all its plans and all its resources upon this single absolutely necessary object.

In such circumstances it feels it to be its duty to say that it cannot, so long as the military situation on the western front remains critical, consent to break or slacken the force of its present effort by diverting any part of its military force to other points or objectives. The United States is at a great distance from the field of action on the western front; it is at a much greater distance from any other field of action. The instrumentalities by which it is to handle its armies and its stores have at great cost and with great difficulty been created in France. They do not exist elsewhere. It is practicable for her to do a great deal in France; it is not practicable for her to do anything of importance or on a large scale upon any other field. The American Government, therefore, very respectfully requested its Associates to accept its deliberate judgment that it should not dissipate its force by atteming important operations elsewhere.

It regards the Italian front as closely coordinated with the western front, however, and is willing to divert a portion of its military forces from France to Italy if it is the judgment and wish of the Supreme Command that it should do so. It wishes to defer to the decision of the Commander-in-Chief in this matter, as it would wish to defer in all others, particularly because it considers these two fronts so related as to be practically but separate parts of a single line and because it would be necessary that any American troops sent to Italy should be subtracted from the number used in France and be actually transported across French territory from the ports now used by armies of the United States.

It is the clear and fixed judgment of the Government of the United States, arrived at after repeated and very searching reconsiderations of the whole situation in Russia, that military intervention there would add to the present sad confusion in Russia rather than cure it, injure her rather than help her, and that it would be of no advantage in the prosecution of our main design, to win the war against Germany. It cannot, therefore, take part in such intervention or sanction it in principle. Military intervention would, in its judgment, even supposing it to be efficacious in its immediate avowed object of delivering an attack upon Germany from the east, be merely a method of making use of Russia, not a method of serving her. Her people could not profit by it, if they profitted by it at all, in time to save them from their present distresses, and their substance would be used to maintain foreign armies, not to reconstitute their own. Military action is admissible in Russia, as the Government of the United States sees the circumstances, only to help the Czecho-Slovaks consolidate their forces and get into successful co-operation with their Slavic kinsmen and to steady any efforts at self-government or self-defense in which the Russians themselves may be willing to accept assistance. Whether from Vladivostok or from Murmansk and Archangel, the only legitimate object for which American or allied troops can be employed, it submits, is to guard military stores which may subsequently be needed by Russian forces and to render such aid as may be acceable to the Russians in the organization of their own self-defense. For helping the Czecho-Slovaks there is immediate necessity and sufficient justification. Recent developments have made it evident that that is in the interest of what the Russian people themselves desire, and the Government of the United States is glad to contribute the small force at its disposal for that purpose. It yields, also, to the judgment of the Supreme Command in the matter of establishing a small force at Murmansk, to guard the military stores at Kola and to make it safe for Russian forces to come together in organized bodies in the north. But it owes it to frank counsel to say that it can go no further than these modest and experimental plans. It is not in a position, and has no expectation of being in a position, to take part in organized intervention in adequate force from either Vladivostok or Murmansk and Archangel. It feels that it ought to add, also, that it will feel at liberty to use the few troops it can spare only for the purposes here stated and shall feel obliged to withdraw these forces, in order to add them to the forces at the western front, if the plans in whose execution it is now intended that they should develop into others inconsistent with the policy to which the Government of the United States feels constrained to restrict itself.

At the same time the Government of the United States wishes to say with the utmost cordiality and good will that none of the conclusions here stated is meant to wear the least color of criticism of what the other governments associated against Germany may think it wise to undertake. It wishes in no way to embarrass their choices of policy. All that is intended here is a perfectly frank and definite statement of the policy which the United States feels obliged to adopt for herself and in the use of her own military forces. The Government of the United States does not wish it to be understood that in so restricting its own activities it is seeking, even by implication, to set limits to the action or to define the policies of its Associates.

It hopes to carry out the plans for safeguarding the rear of the Czecho-Slovaks operating from Vladivostok in a way that will place it and keep it in close cooperation with a small military force like its own from Japan, and if necessary from the other Allies, and that will assure it of the cordial accord of all the allied powers; and it proposes to ask all associated in this course of action to unite in assuring the people of Russia in the most public and solemn manner that none of the governments uniting in action either in Siberia or in northern Russia contemplates any interference of any kind with the political sovereignty of Russia, any intervention in her internal affairs, or any impairment of her territorial integrity either now or hereafter, but that each of the associated powers has the single object of affording such aid as shall be acceable, and only such aid as shall be acceable, to the Russian people in their endeavour to regain control of their own affairs, their own territory, and their own destiny.

It is the hope and purpose of the Government of the United States to take advantage of the earliest opportunity to send to Siberia a commission of merchants, agricultural experts, labour advisers, Red Cross Representatives, and agents of the Young Men's Christian Association accustomed to organizing the best methods of spreading useful information and rendering educational help of a modest sort, in order in some systematic manner to relieve the immediate economic necessities of the people there in every way for which opportunity may open. The execution of this plan will follow and will not be permitted to embarrass the military assistance rendered in the rear of the westward-moving forces of the Czecho-Slovaks.
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Hmmm ... I thought something like this and this might be a more appropriate style. (Or at least those dispatches that were from the C-in-C.)
What is interesting, and enlightening of the latitude afforded commanders on the ground, is that Major Gen. William S. Graves took those orders, and limited his activities to securing the eastern end of the Trans-Siberian Railway and (more importantly in his view) using his ~8,000 US troops to prevent the ~70,000 Japanese troops from permanently annexing to Japan the Russian port of Vladivostok and the surrounding territory.

Lieutenant Colonel George E. Stewart, commander of the US forces in Archangel, received exactly the same orders... and proceeded to enthusiastically his 5,700 US troops to the efforts of the Allied forces (under British Major General Frederick C. Poole) to active offensive combat against Bolshevik (communist) Russian forces, in an attempt to assist the White (democratic) Russian forces to completely defeat the "Reds".

The same set of orders, two opposing interpretations and responses, yet neither was censured or disciplined in any way.

I apologize for a slight aside here, but as I've read more about the Russian Revolution, its kind of amazed me how little I was taught about it in school. For example, until about a year ago, I hadn't realized that the US was directly involved in militarily occupying certain ports, etc.

For such a significant event in the history of the 20th century (and the impacts that those events may of had on later international relations between the countries involved) it just kind of seems odd to me how little it was discussed at school.

Anyway, sorry for getting off track.


I've always used a variation on the orders I've received both as a cadet and in the army.

The header is always the same:

then next comes the actual orders...
then signature and date.
Then signatory data (who, unit).

To, from and signatory were always one of:
  • Name
    Rank, service
    Functional Symbol, unit
  • Rank Name
    Functional Symbol, Unit
  • Name
    Rank, Position, Unit

Many of the forms had a box for contact information opposite the To and From

Note that, often, the signatory was NOT the person in the from, nor the CO of the from.

My orders from US Army TRADOC, for example, were signed by some 2LT at Ft. Dix.

IMTU, this basic format is used, but includes a few additional items.
Clearance Level:
Date Issued:
Dates Valid:
<actual orders go here>

Document Digital signature:

The document is usually signed using a digital key using twin-key encryption, with public/private key for two or even three keypairs.​
I've always used a variation on the orders I've received both as a cadet and in the army.

I figure that there is a difference in style between the lower ranks and the upper ranks. Orders to lower ranking officers being more email-style and to the straight to the point, orders to upper ranking officers more of a letter (more waffle but not as much as the President Wilson example).

There were some sample documents (orders and supplementary material) on the back of the box the AHL deck plans originally came in. I have used that style in the past for low to mid ranking officers.

IMTU I pass full mission briefing orders to ship captains (of capitol sized ships) as a physical device rather than an electronic communication. A mission pack being a very rugged orange canvas pouch containing a preprogrammed ebook device (essentially a tablet PC with no external memory connections). A mission pack would typically contain orders, maps, enemy ship dispositions, the latest intelligence reports, and other related material. Once on a mission orders and updates from a superior office would be of a more conventional electronic form.
IMTU I pass full mission briefing orders to ship captains (of capitol sized ships) as a physical device rather than an electronic communication. A mission pack being a very rugged orange canvas pouch containing a preprogrammed ebook device (essentially a tablet PC with no external memory connections). A mission pack would typically contain orders, maps, enemy ship dispositions, the latest intelligence reports, and other related material.
Nice! :D
These orders are more reminiscent of diplomatic cables.

I have not tackled the format of orders IMTU, but I would take it as a given that they would have a distinct, universal format such as current U.S.Army and joint forces orders have. There is a specified 5 paragraph (a heinous lie) format; the orders from squad to army level follow the basic format. The basic format is greatly expanded at the higher echelons; the basic order will have annexes applicable to certain functional areas, such as transportation or intelligence.

I have a bound copy of the 24th Infantry Divison (Mech) from Desert Swarm; as I recall it's about 250 pages with all the annexes. That may seem excessive, and it probably is, but it is very pragmatic in some respects. The fire support guys at Corps set up a plan, to support the main Corps Order; it goes in the Fire Support Annex of the Corps order; when the Corps order goes out, the fire support folks at division take the annex, and make the changes necessary to make it fit the division. The fire support guys will not spend a lot of time with the other annexes, but every swinging richard in the division knows where to find the division mission, and it is specifically recited in every order down to the battalion level. Every platoon leader's order has the missions of his company and battalion. Everyone knows where what information is put. Once the feces hits the rotating ventilator, the changes come as fragmentary orders, which state only the changes. Everyone knows his next higher commander's intent; even if the whole plan gets FUBAR (assuming it wasn't to start with!), the intent tells the really important task, purpsoe and end state of that echelon.

All that said, mission-type orders can be very effective; here is the situation; here is your mission (who, what, where, when and why); here is my intent (task, purpose, and end state); I'm not going to tell you how, except to give constraints to avoid interfering with the other missions occuring. I will still give potentialy very detailed orders on what support I am giving, and how it will be given. I will also given potentially very detailed orders on the nature of command and control relationships, resources, etc.